In Articles, Devotional, Teachings

It is a great tragedy that so much of the modern Church in the West has neglected the essential role of the Holy Spirit.  In the New Testament, we read about a Church that was completely dependant upon and full of the Holy Spirit.  His power and guidance was evident everywhere.  The Church was born in Pentecostal fire and the concept of a church without the all-pervading presence of the Holy Spirit would have been totally unimaginable and foreign to them.

In Acts 6:1-5 we read that the early Christians noticed that there was a weakness in their administrative system (some of the widows were being overlooked in the daily ministration).  Sensing the obvious, that it would not be right for the apostles to wait on tables, they looked for lay-workers who could attend to the day-to-day business of the congregation.

I want you to notice what the leadership was looking for in these table-waiters; in addition to having integrity and wisdom, they were required to be full of the HOLY GHOST!  This does not mean that they could say “Shouldaboughtahonda” a few times.  Look at what it says about one of these waiters that, “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.”  Now THAT is being full of the Holy Ghost!  “But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…” (Acts 1:8)

Often the gifts and miracles have been thought of as being intended only for a small group of elite Christians with big ministries and full-time preaching careers.  But in the early Church, even the ushers were walking in this power!  Why? Because they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.  Power was part in parcel of the Christian experience.  It was for the layman, for the businessman, for the blue-collar and white-collar workers.  It was for everyone!  The power of the Holy Spirit was not considered something extraordinary, but something normal and expected. Today the unfortunate reality is that many people think it is a rare gift if their pastor has integrity and wisdom…forget being full of faith and demonstrating miracles.

How is it possible that so many have taken the model given in Scripture and devolved into something so foreign?  The power and fullness of the Holy Spirit is so basic to Christianity.  It is the foundation, the DNA and the premise of all that follows.  Stephen was not an apostle.  He was only a waiter.  But even Stephen was full of faith and power.  Even Stephen demonstrated great wonders and miracles among the people.  Even Stephen needed this power…to serve tables.  May this thought convict every pastor, every evangelist, every full-time minister as well as every “lay” church member.  If even Stephen needed the power of the Holy Spirit…so do we!

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  • satish spurgeon

    there is joy in working for ,serving lord because how much low i am working in church that much high i am lifted in my job

  • Mishael I. Mahmuda

    My Dear Brother, Daniel Kolenda,i had longed for seeing people greatly empowered to carry this greatest gospel to the needy(sinners). That’s exactly what you and our elder brother, Evangelist R.Bonke are doing!

    I want you to know that our God, the greatest of the greatest, will continue to endue you with more grace, great strenght, and all that are needed for greater exploit for Christ.

    Continue and stay blessed!

  • Safdar Quddusi

    Dear Daniel Kolenda:

    It is my desire I exchange views with you on some matters such as Trinity, Holy Spirit as I read your one article about Holy Spirit. Come and accept my offer. I am not a pastor and or apostle. I hate these people. I am an overseer of one spiritual group names “QUDDUSI GROUP” and I believe that God is not a respecter.

  • fred

    thanks 4 the wonderful works that u are doing,may God bless u and guide in the coming years,i sat in my chair in the antwerp arena watching you,cant help the awesome message,it waz great,keep on.kudos!!!!!!.

  • Giorgia Testa Assom

    hi dear Daniel, I saw you in Rome, and I’m a CfaN collaborator… translating “Soul-Winning and Evangelism” in Italian.

    Yes, the Holy Spirit Baptism is so important for us, we can’t do nothing without…
    We wait you in Italy again, I hope in the north… near where I and my family leave… Kisses

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Great to connect with you Giorgia! Thanks for the work you do. Im also looking forward to being back in Italy and making some plans to do so. Bless you!

  • Vik Feodorov

    Dear Daniel,
    thank you for meeting my son and his wonderful young wife last Saturday. I know this personal experience of talking to a man of God will stand with him for the rest of his life as a spiritual road mark. I still remember visiting CfAN’s Frankfurt office in far 1989, praying with Rolf and talking to Sister Anne. Today I returned to this page again for inspiration before my prayer and found it sound and brilliant enough for my weary Pentecostal mind. Grace and love to you, dear Brother.

    • Daniel Kolenda

      God Bless you Vik…and my greetings to you whole family please.

  • Okwudili Umeweni

    Thanks Daniel… How I wish everyone will understand that we no longer need to tarry to receive the Holy Spirit anymore. The disciples tarried at pentecost after which the Holy Spirit arrived and has never left… All we need do now is to deal with our lives and say, ‘Holy Spirit come’. And He will~
    THE HOLY SPIRIT IS IN TOWN! Hallelujah!!

  • Houseworth

    Great stuff! Why are we not seeing more of this? I want more! Will be traveling to Haiti next week. Looking for miracles! Signs and wonders. More Father!

  • Mary Pace

    Thank you Daniel for your message and I too wish your message in Atlanta had been recorded. Jim and I were so impacted that day. Blessings to you and your family.

  • Vik Feodorov

    I read and re-read this strikingly true statement again and again. The fact is that we can do absolutely nothing more or less useful in life without Him, His power. This night I want the power of God promised and given to us, to me, in the Holy Spirit as I pray for two of my sons who will be married tomorrow. I want them, young A/G ministers, to walk in the power of the Spirit. Can somebody pray with me? Thank you, Daniel.
    In Christ, Viktor

  • Gillian Goble

    Thank you for this great message. The Holy Spirit is available to minister through all, everyday, to all by those love Him and put the kingdom first. How wonderful to be waiting on tables and have the Lord interrupt on Kingdom business, and it NOT be unusual or expected. Well said indeed,.

  • dje

    Thank you so much Daniel.
    Your blog really stirs me up.
    It encourages me to press in to obtain from God his promises.

    May God send blessings of good things to meet you and your family (Psalm 21:3).


  • Roy Slingo

    I am a Believer in Jesus Christ and have served Him most of my life. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity or privilege to be introduced to the “full Gospel.” I’ve known little to nothing of the power and work of The Holy Spirit. In the last 4 years the Lord has given me the desire to be filled with The Holy Spirit. I am 76 and suffering from a unknown disease that has on the brink of death. I have a passion to be annointed. I’ve been praying for both a healing and the Baptism of His Spirit BUT there has been no change or evidence of God’s touch. I am desperate to be used by The Lord. There are many sick people in my family to whom I want to demonstrate God’s love and compassion. I’ve been praying and asking, “what am I doing wrong, and what have I done and what don’t I know? Can you please aid me in this dilema? I’ve been reading God’s Word and many books on healing. HELP. Thank You and God bless you for your faithfulness.

  • Carolyn

    Awesome!!! Very convicting thoughts!! Also – I appreciated the message yesterday in Atlanta. Wish it were recorded – I couldn’t write fast enough 🙂 Be blessed as you continue to advance God’s Kingdom.

  • Daniel Robbins

    Shouldaboughtahonda. Thats great. Ha ha. that is good stuff. Love it. Love the Message. Keep preaching brother.

  • Dale Hicks

    Thank you for your incredible committment to the kingdom of God. Your example of sharing this simple and very powerful message is refreshing and greatly appreciated. It is a message that transforms lives and empowers us for maximizing our assignment.

  • Alberto

    AWESOME message Daniel! indeed the power of the Holy Ghost has no border lines or favourites he uses ordinary people to do his purpose. Amen, hey Hope you been great, wherever you are in the world. you are always an inspiration and a challenge. You are a Champion!

  • Paul Landry

    AMEN Daniel!! Thank you for being such a clear uncompromised voice of this KEY foundational FACT. YES! The POWER of the Holy Spirit WAS and still SHOULD BE part and parcel of our Christian experience. Well said!!

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Thanks Paul. We are Holy Spirit people and not ashamed of it!

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