In #AfricaShallBeSaved, Crusade, Decade of Double Harvest




We have just completed a landmark campaign, making history in mass evangelism. For the first time ever, CfaN conducted 11 mass evangelistic campaigns in 11 different cities and districts across the nation of Zambia simultaneously! These campaigns lasted 5 nights in each city for a total of 55 nights of massive evangelistic meetings in just two-weeks! That’s 55 powerful meetings in 14 glory-filled days. During the initiative, which included a “Gospel Invasion” (in which evangelists trained by CfaN, flooded the streets and schools) the ministry recorded over 2.6 million in attendance and 1,040,720 documented conversions.

To put these amazing metrics into perspective, consider the fact that in the past, we normally conducted 6 or 7 campaigns in a whole year, and our previous record was 9 crusades in one year. Now, the incredible CfaN team has managed to conduct 11 full crusades in just two weeks. What’s more, over the last 38 months we have conducted 38 mass evangelistic campaigns, bringing the total number of conversions, documented since 1987, close to the remarkable 90-million mark!

This initiative in Zambia has set a new high-water mark for our ministry. Crowds in some cities were so large and dense that on occasions, barriers had to be removed for safety. The masses were spilling out into busy highways; people were sitting on top of walls and on top of buildings, even filling the branches of trees in the vicinity of the crusade fields! Some people reported traveling for over thirty hours. Others made the journey by boat. Attendees were sleeping on the meeting grounds overnight because they had traveled from other towns and villages with no place to spend the night. People were desperate for a touch from God!

The astonishing results in Zambia are part of a vision we have been describing for years: the “Decade of Double Harvest” in which we are working to see 150-million people come to Christ by 2030. To achieve this vision, we have been training a veritable army of evangelists, organizers, and technicians to multiply our reach many times over. Nearly 200 graduates of the Christ for all Nations Bootcamp were on the ground in Zambia, some for weeks or even for months, working alongside of our CfaN staff to prepare these crusades. The graduates are the organizers, the directors, and the laborers carrying the lion’s share of the work in our global crusades. These graduates were also the evangelists working alongside Daniel Kolenda to reap the massive harvest in Zambia. In fact, this partnership is the only way such astounding results have been possible.

Each of the 11 cities had a pair of Evangelists ministering in most of the meetings. These evangelists were graduates of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. Daniel Kolenda traveled to a new city each day and preached one night. This strategy allowed us to get many times the “bang” for every “buck.” All of our efforts (church mobilization, printing, advertising, transportation, technical support, etc.) were leveraged to benefit all 11 cities allowing us to conduct 11 crusades for nearly the same amount of money and time we used to invest into just a single crusade! Another wonderful benefit is that many other evangelists are getting invaluable experience in organizing, conducting, and ministering in mass gospel crusades. This is true multiplication on every level! The operation we just completed in Zambia is proof that this concept works—and even more wonderfully than we could have anticipated.

Many years ago, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had a dream about being the forerunner for a new generation of Holy Spirit Empowered Evangelists. That dream is being fulfilled right before our eyes. In addition to the nearly 200 Bootcamp graduates organizing and leading these 11 crusades, there were 19 evangelists tasked with ministering to the massive crowds in each city (their names are listed at the end of this report). Daniel wrote daily reports filled with testimonies of remarkable miracles demonstrating the power of God from the cities where he was ministering each night.

Among the accounts, a young girl with previously crippled legs took her first steps across the stage after prayer. A stroke survivor previously bound to a wheelchair experienced an astonishing healing, regaining the ability to walk unaided. A woman blind for nearly a decade was granted the gift of sight, awakening a sense of wonder and restoring her connection with the world. A 17-year-old named Miriam, deaf since childhood, had her life transformed as her hearing was miraculously restored, eliciting a sense of awe among those in attendance. A woman plagued by a lump in her chest, impairing her breathing, experienced the miraculous disappearance of the lump and the restoration of her respiration after fervent prayer. These are just a few of the hundreds of healings witnessed by the crowds across Zambia during the two weeks of meetings.

Even after more than a million documented conversions and numerous reported miracles, the good news keeps coming in. For example, we have received reports of witchdoctors becoming Christians and drug addicts surrendering their drugs and paraphernalia. Zambian pastors have also reported large numbers of new converts attending their churches.

Daniel Kolenda expressed his profound gratitude for the remarkable team that has worked for many years to make this historic multi-city event possible and the partners who sowed into this historic event. Among those highlighted were Peter Vandenberg, who was the Vice President of the ministry and the right-hand man to Bonnke for nearly 40 years. Instrumental leaders Bret and Silva Sipek and Jana Bielava and Vojtech Trcka were the main developers and organizers of what we call the “Operation Decapolis” strategy. Hundreds of CfaN team members and Bootcamp graduates and more than 97,000 Zambian volunteers worked side by side to make the event possible—a true testament to the power of unity.

This most recent initiative exemplifies Christ for all Nations’ unwavering commitment to sharing the gospel in Africa and multiplying laborers for the sake of a global harvest. By equipping and releasing a new generation of evangelists through initiatives like the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, Christ for all Nations is laboring to ensure that the transformative message of Jesus Christ reaches every corner of the globe.

Special thanks and recognition to the following evangelists for their outstanding ministry in Zambia:

David Clementi
Emmanuel & Deborah Cohen
Jacob Ebersole
Alejandro Escobar
Richard Fullwood
Gabriel Garcia
Jared Horton
Michael Job
Daniel Kobida
Brady Liette
Levi Lutz
Lukas Repert
Randy Roberts
David Rotarmel
Brittany Sanderlin
Evelina Smane
Gary Smith
Joe Turnbull

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