In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Decade of Double Harvest, Double Harvest, Testimonies, Testimony

Dear Mission Partners,


It’s been an absolutely amazing day today here in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. This morning Peter Vandenberg and John Darku ministered to the pastors and church leaders in the second day of the Fire Conference. The people were so blessed and encouraged. Tonight the crowd nearly doubled in size from last night and it felt like we were in the glory of God from start to finish.

Eddie James is here with his team and they, as well as local worship leaders, led us into a powerful time of worship. I know many of you had the privilege to watch it as we broadcasted the meeting LIVE.

I preached on the blood of Jesus, as I always do, and then broke curses in Jesus’ name. There were amazing testimonies that followed.

  • A man who was totally deaf in both ears for 5 years, said that he suddenly heard a cracking noise and felt a scratching in his ears. Suddenly, if felt as if something came out of his ears and he could hear perfectly! As he told what God had done for him, he fell to his knees and began to weep and sing a song of thanksgiving to God.
  • A woman was brought up to the platform by a local pastor. As soon as the crowd saw her on the jumbo screens, they began to shout. The woman was a local insane lady who was well known because she used to walk around the area naked and out of her mind. As she stood before us, she was clothed and in her right mind. She testified that Jesus had touched her and now she was able to understand. The crowd went wild.
  • Two women testified that they had painful lumps on their breasts that vanished during prayer. One of the women had already had her other breast removed because of her breast cancer. But tonight Jesus healed both of them completely!
  • Another woman who had a stroke during childbirth had paralysis on her right side making it impossible for her to lift her right arm. Tonight Jesus touched her, took all her pain away and restored full use of her entire body, including her right arm. As she told her story she began to weep. When I asked her why she was crying she said, “These are tears of joy.”

Tomorrow is the final day of the Fire Conference and we will pray for the people to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in both services. Please continue to pray for us and for the precious people of River State here in Nigeria.


Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda

Together with the whole CfaN team


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