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Dear Mission Partners,

Several years ago, at a School of Evangelism in London, during a Q&A session, a student asked Reinhard Bonnke what was the secret to the success of Christ for all Nations. I thought Reinhard might say something about anointing, prayer, wisdom or powerful preaching. Instead his answer was very different. He responded with one word: “Perseverance.”

This week, my respect and admiration for the CFAN team has gone to a whole new level. I have seen a level of commitment and perseverance that is difficult to grasp unless you’re here to witness it. We have all had a thousand good reasons to turn back. But every last one pressed forward without wavering.

These have been the most challenging travel conditions any of us have ever seen. Even our travel agent said in her 25-years of doing her job, she’s never seen anything like it. This morning our last connection was canceled yet again, so we piled into cars/vans and drove for 8-hours. We finally arrived by car in Warri, Nigeria for the Gospel Crusade just minutes before it began. This is the first crusade of the year and the first one held since Evangelist Bonnke’s passing. But I am sure, he is smiling in heaven to see that we are still persevering against all odds for the sake of the Gospel.

Because many of us missed last night’s meeting, I wondered if the crowd would return. Imagine my surprise when we arrived at the crusade field to find over 120,000 people gathered! Eddie James, and his team took the stage, without a sound check, without rehearsal and blew everyone away. Obviously they had been part of the convoy that was traveling for days and arrived in Warri just as the crusade was starting. I know they were tired, but they led with passion. They were powerful and anointed and led us all into the presence of God.

I must admit, I felt like I was In a daze all night from sheer exhaustion. Even now as I write, it’s all I can do to keep my eyes open. Yet, despite my personal physical weakness, God moved powerfully tonight. Many thousands responded to the Gospel, deaf ears opened, a bullet lodged in a man’s chest from a gunshot disappeared, a man’s hernia was healed and many other miracles took place – much more than we could interview.

Tomorrow, we will begin again with renewed strength. Please continue to pray for us and for Warri.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with the whole CfaN team

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