In Posted from Sapele Nigeria

Momentum is building here in Sapele meeting by meeting on every front. Word is spreading through Delta state that Jesus is here, mighty things are happening and the people are running. Tonight the crowd increased to 135,000 and the response level was absolutely amazing! I feel as though I am preaching to dry sponges that soak up every word and savor it with joy. What a privilege to preach to such people!

Tonight we brought out the big metal barrels and burned witchcraft stuff. This is an area steeped in idolatry, but tonight, the people made a powerful statement best put by the words of the song they sang, “I will never worship a man-made god.” We all rejoiced as “the devils property” went up in a tower of flames.

Here are a few of the miracle testimonies we heard:

– A man deaf in his left ear began to hear tonight
– Woman was healed from a fibroid she had carried for 17 years
– A woman unable to lift her arm for 10 years suddenly felt the power of God come on her body and demonstrated that she now has full use of her arm.

Tomorrow is the conclusion of the Fire Conference when we will pray for every one of the thousands of delegates to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Please pray for a mighty outpouring that will shake Sapele to its core.

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