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You have to watch this incredible video! Doctor Chauncey Crandall is a good friend of ours and an anointed man of God who was also one of the speakers at Fire Storm in Dallas (if you weren’t there…you missed out). He is a nationally known and much sought-after cardiologist and heart surgeon. Not only is he a man of science, but also a man of faith. He is known to pray for his patients and lead them to the Lord in the hospital, and he has experienced mighty miracles through prayer…including RESURRECTIONS! This video is a report on channel 7 news about one of his patients that was raised from the dead after having no pulse for almost an hour!

[youtube ElqlQdNdxF8]
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  • Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

    Amen…this is only the beginning. Bless you!

  • April 4Christ

    Praise the Lord for moving in such a way that will bring greater victory to the Kingdom of God! And, "These signs shall follow those who believe…" (Mark 16:17)

    May each of God's children walk triumphantly in such faith!

  • Aymeric BIMONT

    Awesome ! Blessed be the Lord ! Blessed be the almighty God !

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