In Posted from Bali Nigeria

Tonight was the first night of the Gospel crusade here in Bali, and Jesus showed up in a wonderful way. The miracles were amazing. One lady was healed over about a quarter mile away from the crusade field…in her home. She was dying from cancer, she had a paralyzed arm, and she was bedridden in her house. But from her bed she could hear me preaching the Gospel. Then I began to pray for the sick, and I said, “If you are lying on a bed right now get up in Jesus name!” She said that she received it by faith and tried to stand to her feet. At that moment, she said she felt as though hands lifted her to her feet, and suddenly she was healed. Her cancer was gone and her paralyzed arm healed. She didn’t even bother to get dressed. She threw a blanket around her waist and came the crusade ground right away. This woman who was bedridden, walked all the way to the crusade ground and right up to the platform to give her testimony. We saw such a variety of miracles tonight. The cripples walked, the blind received sight, and the deaf heard. Praise the Lord!

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