In Posted from Ugep Nigeria

Tonight, when we arrived at the Crusade ground we discovered that someone had brought an entire idolatrous shrine to be destroyed. Together with idols, charms, fetishes and many occult paraphernalia we burned it and the people rejoiced. I also called out the local curses – names so feared most people are not willing to speak them out loud – one by one I took authority over them, breaking them off the people of Ugep in the name of Jesus. The joy was uncontainable. The people danced until the sky was thick with dust. Today is a day of Salvation and freedom.

After the prayer for salvation many miracles happened, and we saw an extraordinary proportion of paralytics healed. Have a look at the picture of one young man who lived with so much pain from a motorcycle accident that it had left him nearly crippled. Now he jumped like an athlete and testified that all pain has gone. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow is our Holy Spirit Baptism day and also the conclusion of the Fire Conference. Please pray for a mighty outpouring of God’s fire that will transform the Body of Christ in Ugep into a Gospel powerhouse that will continue to impact this region long after our team has gone.

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