In Crusade Photos, Posted from Nairobi Kenya
Christ for all Nations Great Gospel Crusade - Nairobi, Kenya - Day 4 - President Uhuru Kenyatta

Christ for all Nations Great Gospel Crusade – Nairobi, Kenya – Day 4 – President Uhuru Kenyatta

Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight’s meeting was amazing! The president of Kenya – President Uhuru Kenyatta – attended the crusade together with his deputy and their wives. The meeting was broadcast on live television to the entire country and even beyond in east Africa. The President addressed the crowd and publicly asked for forgiveness for those whom he had wronged and also forgave those who had wronged him. It was a powerful speech. Afterward, he stayed with his deputy and listened to the preaching of the Gospel.

I preached about repentance, restitution and the changed life that accompanies salvation. I challenged the people to follow Jesus no matter what the cost and many thousands responded wholeheartedly. The church leaders said that they believe this crusade is a spiritual landmark for the nation.

After the preaching of the Gospel we prayed for the crowd to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit. There was a powerful outpouring followed by healings and miracles. When I asked how many had experienced a supernatural miracle of healing in one of the services this week, literally thousands of people raised their hands. Jesus has done more this week than we will ever know and there is still more to come. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow the final meeting will take place here in Nairobi. Please continue to pray for us.


Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team




Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • wherllany

    It was an honor to meet his ministry beloved brother.
    Keep the faith, and God will honor you!
    wherllany 🙂

  • chriswelland

    Have followed Reinhard and been with him for maNY YEARS. lOVE THIS MINISTRY. tAKE THE BATON AND RUN dANIEL RUN RUN Run

  • Daniel Compton

    Praise GOD

  • Mercy Njau

    The was indeed a Landmark in Kenya with Great Jubilee Crusade

    Mercy Njau

  • Pastor Sam Kamau(interpreter)

    I had the opportunity to interpret for Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Thanking God for open doors!

  • wendy

    IT was awesome. I attended 3 days and was totally blessed, My life will never be the same again. I believe this is the time for Kenya and God is moving in a mighty way.

  • Michael Owambo

    Psalm 33:12
    Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

    We thank the CFAN team.

    Nairobi, Kenya.

  • kevin karani simon

    may the Almighty God continue using you as his messenger to his people

  • Toyinbo Oluwafemi

    God bless your work brother…. God bless you. and also grant me grace to perform that which He has destined me to do and be on this earth, AMEN! GOD BLESS!!!

  • Andre

    Thanks Jesus for you ! Hope one day i will see waves of people accepting Jesus and get saved as you see ! I do not deserve long, life, death of my enemis or even a great life all i deserve is to see people coming to the Lord ! I will give anything 🙂
    From Paris with love fir Daniel and my dear brother Bonnke
    Ps: any chance to see you preaching the Gospel in France?

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