In Crusade Photos, Posted from Lesotho

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Dear Mission Partners,

This has been a very special and historic day here in the national stadium in Maseru, Lesotho. Those of you who are familiar with CfaN’s history will immediately recognize the name of this small country, landlocked by South Africa, as the one where Evangelist Bonnke began his ministry in Africa as a young evangelist with a small family, fresh from Germany. This is where he received the vision of a “blood washed Africa” and where he heard the Holy Spirit cry, “Africa shall be saved.” This tiny nation, with less than 2-million inhabitants, has played such an important role in the history of CfaN and for this reason it holds a special place in our hearts.

Our host for the Campaign was an amazing man by the name of Michael Kolisang. He was Evangelist Bonnke’s first convert here in Lesotho. He received Christ as a young man on a street corner where Evangelist Bonnke was playing the accordion and preaching. Evangelist Bonnke told him that day, “I see the hand of God upon your life.” Today Michael Kolisang is one of the top bishops in the whole country and a spiritual father in the nation. His churches are exploding with growth. When I arrived yesterday, he took me straight from the airport to a“ground-breaking” ceremony for another new church they are building. It’s amazing to see how God has blessed.

The meeting began this afternoon as a couple of the top leaders shared their testimonies of how they came to Christ through Evangelist Bonnke’s ministry. Then they introduced him. Evangelist Bonnke told the people about the wonderful things God has been doing over the past 40 years since he left Lesotho and then he prayed for them and for the the next generation, that they would receive the “burning baton” of Gospel and of evangelism.

Then Evangelist Bonnke introduced me and asked me to preach the Gospel and pray for the sick. I preached about the power of the blood of Jesus and the response was literally overwhelming. The organizers had arranged for the councilors to stand in front of the platform so that the people had to come from the grandstand down to the ground. The people, thousands, were literally running forward! I thought the councilors would flee for fear of being trampled (as has happened in other crusades), but they stood their ground.

The prime minister also attended the meeting and presented gifts – traditional dress, complete with hat and staff – to Evangelist Bonnke and I. Evangelist Bonnke then prayed for the nation and I prayed for the sick and took testimonies. It was a full day and a blessed day.

I want to say a special thank you to Thea and Andre Britz, the national directors of the South African office who did an excellent job organizing this meeting with short notice. More than 120 of our friends, partners and fellow evangelists journeyed from South Africa just to attend the meeting and be a witness to this historic event with their own eyes. Although Evangelist Bonnke has announced that this was his final visit to Lesotho, this is not the end, it is only the beginning of what God will do in this beautiful nation and continue to do on this continent. Jesus will continue to do His work here, and one day, CfaN will be back.


Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team




Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Patrick

    I love what you are doing. Preaching the undiluted gospel.
    I need this annointing. I want to Evangelise, take the gospel to the poor. Reach out the whole of Africa.

    Evangelist Kolendo, I know that you are now the CEO of CFAN, please come to south africa LImpopo province , Polokwane City.
    I Love CFAN

  • Pastor Keti Edao

    I Greet you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ and trust that you are doing great under the shadow of His mercy and goodness.My name is Pastor Keti am Ethiopian now I live in France looking for the harvest and reaching the nation. I already plant a new church and its growing well and am longing to see God’s hand here in Europe. I always impressed by your ministries,let the Glory be increase, let the hand of God touch the nation, let every york be broken in His mighty hand. I pray that He protect you from evil wind as you march forward to promise Land.I am here standing beside you in my prayer as you enlarge your territory till the end of the earth.
    God bless you and your ministry
    Pastor Keti

  • Olanrewaju Bodede

    Continue the good work, may you never miss your rewards on the last day.

  • Nigel Bower

    It was a wonderful occasion – just to experience the love for Reinhard from his first home in Africa.
    Looking forward to seeing Daniel again at ADFC in March

  • Pauline wanjiku

    to God be the glory now and forever more….He says His deeds are awesome towards the children it is an honor and a privileged to be chosen by.God as His instrument to do His work let us never forget we are just but clay in the hand of the potter for Him to mold us as He sees fit for.every good thing that has happened during every crusade even when u visited Kenya let His glorified and may He use u even more and more for His own.glory in Jesus name we love u and Rev.Bonke though Iv not seen him stay blessed

  • Lebo

    It was such an honour to have you come to our country. So glad to hear that;this is not the last we see or hear of CfaN. New lives were born at this crusade. May the good Lord bless you more and more!!

  • illingworth shutu

    “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preach then the end will come.We are not ashamed of preaching the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation …”

  • adah

    Praise God to see and hear that! CfaN please pray for our Myanmar country and ethnic people in here. I am from Akha race. Please pray for my people too.

  • Kemuel Nts'along

    Yesterday’s event was awesome. I heard olmighty God speaking thhrough his man Daniel kolanda. May our father God bless you nd continue to develop his word in you in the day of your life

  • Rev. charles oluvenda

    I have been fired up with the great work of our comrade in the business of God evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.
    May God continously anoint you and use you in his kingdom.

  • Godwin Owusu Dwomoh

    May the good lord continue to protect you and bless you with wisdom knowledge and grant you the desires of your heart in Jesus name. Amen

  • shirley Trichie

    Wanted you to know the Holy Spirit had me praying strongly in the Spirit for about 30 minutes this morning in Colorado, for this meeting.God is FAITHFUL!!!

  • philisia malemba

    To GOD be the glory. May GOD of our salvation continue to bless CFAN, I myself experienced the unconditional love of GOD in one of Evengelist bonnke’s crusade in Mombasa kenya when I was still a young girl today I’m married blessed with two children &JESUS means everything to me. Woooooooooow Evangelist Bonnke has really been agreat blessing to the Entire body of christ in the whole world for always bringing the good news of the gospel of salvation. Papa Bonnke I love you for being a blessing to the kingdom of GOD & I’m forever grateful to GOD for your life May GOD greatly reward you & bless your entire generation. My prayer always for him is that GOD will grant him with long blessed life Amen.

  • David

    Thank you on behalf of the Africa you loved, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. You remind me of David Livingstone.
    Being African, the concluding words on this update sound to me a lot like Paul’s words from Miletus (Acts 20:17-38); it produces the same sadness.
    Thank you and what God has helped you do for my home continent, and I know many Africans love you just as much.
    I wish you success wherever the Lord sends you next. It’s my prayer that America be saved too!
    Thanks again; you were God’s gift to Africa, and though Africa may have it’s limitations in supporting the work of the Gospel, there is genuine love in our hearts toward you and others whom God has used to reach us with glad tidings.
    God bless you, and thanks again

  • Sandra Jones

    Truly a Man of God I would Give anything if I could follow you an learn from you , Gods will in my life , that’s what my Heart is hungry for in The Lord , Please let me know what I can do to give the rest of my life over there an learn from you Please

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