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What an embarrassing debacle!  Running out of wine at a Jewish wedding was a shame to irresponsible hosts.  Once their disgraceful miscalculation became apparent, the bride and groom could only wait and dread the moment when their thirsty drunken guests would start whining (no pun intended) about their dry goblets and itching tongues.

For all their bungles and blunders, however, the discombobulated newlyweds had unwittingly done something very wise…they had invited Jesus to their wedding.  Jesus saved the day!  I’m sure the bride and groom would have been thrilled for Jesus to supply any wine…even average wine.  After all, it was the end of the wedding and usually the cheaper wine was served when the guests were inebriated and had become indifferent.  But Jesus’ wine wasn’t just “good enough”…it was the best!  It was the finest!  It was more than enough!!

This is a wonderful parable of grace – no matter what mistakes you have made along the way, if you’ll invite Jesus into your life, he will turn your mess into a miracle and your tragedy into a triumph!

The turning of the water into wine was the first of Jesus’ miracles and it had a profound effect on those that knew him.  John 2:11 says that it was because of this miracle that his disciples, “believed on him.”  To most it would have been seen as a demonstration of power and a revelation of Christ’s Messianic identity, but those disciples would later see a much more profound prophetic meaning to the miracle after Christ had ascended to Heaven.

We will explore that revelation Tomorrow…

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    I love this quote as I read this.

    This is a wonderful parable of grace – no matter what mistakes you have made along the way, if you’ll invite Jesus into your life, he will turn your mess into a miracle and your tragedy into a triumph!

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