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We are rejoicing after having received some wonderful news from our team in West Africa.  The total number of registered decision cards from our recent campaign in Lome, Togo is 302,100! 

May the Lord bless you richly for the part that you’ve played in this massive harvest of souls. 

Yours in His Love and Service,

Evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke
Together with the whole CfaN team

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  • Christina Ellis

    I’d just like to thank you for everything I’ve spent the last hour reading. I’m not sure what brought me to this site or what made me begin reading but I’ve never felt so motivated to reach out and ask to learn more.

    As a survivor of domestic violence and addiction, I know firsthand how difficult it is to stay driven and focused when working to get back on your feet. My hope is to empower not only myself but others who are ready to make a change for the positive. In the future I plan to start a non-profit aimed at promoting a hand up and mentoring network for women/men who have found success to reach out to those who are new survivors. I hope to call it “Circle of Hope”. Until then I’m just a single Mother chasing my entrepreneurial dream via the Internet.

    I just want to ask for you to keep my children and myself in your prayers ( I know you must be asked this MANY TIMES DAILY). After finding sobriety and escaping death from the man I loved, I never imagined the most difficult challenge was still ahead of me. I’m stuck. I’ve accomplished everything I can and now have no way to achieve financial independence and am living with family who desperately wants me gone. They don’t believe in addiction and have slowly become emotionally abusive over the years. living in the Country very rural area is proving challenging and I can’t seem to find any type of hand up. I just know how much of my life I’m losing out on and how much I’m capable of accomplishing and that is was hurts the most. I know i’m rambling but please just keep my children and myself in your prayers so that we may find our way and can begin a new life.

    I look forward to learning more about you and the ways I can turn my life back to Christ again.

    God Bless,

  • Evang.Uche O.Lawrence

    warm greetings to you in Jesus Christ mighty name.I bless God for your life and the grace of God I saw the crusade in Togo its in did a grate one,to God be the glory,am an Evangelist by God grace,I have been in crusade Ministry for the past Ten years now,we just came back from Ogobia Otukpo L.G.A of Benue state in Nigeria it was three powerful days crusader not a big crusade at the end of it about five thousand souls came to the Lord.
    please how can your Ministry encourage us with Evangelism,crusade Materials and Training program from you and the CFAN Ministries?
    I look forward in hearing from you soonest.
    God bless you really good.

    Evangelist Uche Okoro Lawrence-Nigeria.

  • Evang Uche

    Dear Evang.D.KolendA,Warm greetings to you in Jesus Christ Mighty name. Beloved of God I was in did happy when I saw your Crusade Impact in Togo My God,its a grate one more grace upon your life,Ministry and Evang.R.Bonnke,By the grace of God I am an Evangelist from Nigeria I have been in the Crusade Ministry for the past Ten(10)years now,taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Inter Land of Nigeria. My last crusade was in Ogobia Otukpo LGA of Benue state,though it was a small crusade and over five(5) thousand souls came to Jesus and they receive Him as their Lord and Master,How can my Ministry Be Encourage by your Ministry and CFAN through Crusade,Evangelism Materials and Trainings please,God bless you really good as I hear from you soon. Evangelist Uche Okoro Lawrence.

  • Danny

    Hi Daniel, I have been very blessed by your ministry lately.

    Would I be able to share a prayer requiest privetly via email regarding depression?

  • Danny

    Dear pastor Kolenda

    Could you contact me via my email? I have got a prayer request regarding depression.

    God bless you and your ministry.


  • Ejiakor Simon

    Kolenda i would like to serve the Lord with cfan. Please reply. Thank you.

  • Martha Botilas-Masangkay

    Good morning Pasor Daniel,

    I am so grateful you came to Toronto last year of 2010 with Rev. Reinhard. and conducted that impartation breakfast. Since that time I grew exponentially in my relationship to God. Like I am more certain, positively convince that God can heal me 100 percent and not his will for me to be sick even for just one second. I am also thankful that I have the apportunity to become one of your partner in winning souls, since then I see a lot of cahnges in my health, Marriage, work and my business. I am praying to jion one of your crusade in Affrica.

    Your Sister in Christ
    Martha and Robert

  • Mekdes

    Thank You Daniel!
    I am so blessed, that you are sharing with me the John book, three day’s study. May GOD bless you and the ministry, hopefully I will gonna get the rest of this study.

  • joan

    praise G-d

  • Jeanne Hammer

    my e-mail said there was a 3 day study-blog on the Gospel of John on this site.
    I read a lot of great things going on and enlightening teaching… but didn’t find the blog of the Gospel of John.. Where do I find it.. like, what do I click on?

  • Joseph Busch

    Praise the Precious King Jesus!

    My Pastors, two brothers, and my wife and I all attended the prayer breakfast in Chicago this past weekend. Glory to the Lamb of God! We were all richly blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ! This ministry is a harvest tool in the Hands of King Jesus. My wife and I (as well as my Pastors and the ministry of Powerhouse International in Fort Wayne Indiana) are partners with you in the Harvest of the Lords!

    My heart beats for souls, I live and breathe to know God and for the salvations of souls. I have a satisfaction in God and yet I am not truly satisfied unless I am seeings souls saved. When watching the crusades my heart was satisfied yet stirred to see more of the dear souls of the world brought to the Lord, that Jesus may recieve the reward of His sufferings.

    Consider my wife and I servant partners with you in the harvest. We will be praying for you and your wife Evangelist Daniel. I would love an opportunity to serve the Lord and the souls of mankind through the ministry of CFAN. Do let me know of any opportunities to serve, even abroad in the crusades.

    The Lords Blessing. This ministry is worthy of the support of the whole Body of Christ.

    Pastor Joseph D. Busch

    May the Lamb of God recieve the reward of His sufferings.

  • Nicole Almeida

    Hi Daniel

    Thank you for pouring out your heart this past weekend at the Impartation breakfast here in Chicago. I was so blessed…

  • Randy Furco


    I attended the meeting in Houston. I just wanted to give you a praise report. I received so much form Evangelist Bonnke and yourself.

    I am 100% behind you in prayer and giving as The Lord enables. besides the great impartation of Word,Vision and Insight, I received a long awaited healing from The Lord in that meeting.

    When you laid hands on me for healing, I felt nothing, except the massive slap you gave my chest. 🙂

    However as I returned to my chair, it was as if gentle wind blew through my soul and deposited me in my chair. I saw myself returning to my room and dumping my anxiety medication down the toilet.

    I obeyed, and I can say without a doubt I am healed. I have a clarity and a peace like I have not known in a very long time.

    There is so much more to this testimony. I pray someday Lord willing, I will be able to share it with you in person………….The Lord is coming soon and He is about to bring a great harvest in form the world and deliver a great deliverance to His People. I want to share this with you. i trust it will bless you…..

    Poems—The Last Days

    • Daniel Kolenda

      We are rejoicing with you Randy. I’d love to hear the rest of the testimony sometime. Please stay connected with us.

    • Randy Furco

      I shall stay connected. I fell in love with CfAN in Houston. I flew down from Syracuse,New York to attend.

      I am so filled after reading Pastor Bonnkes’ autobiography. And after meeting him there and seeing how you minister, I feel my spirit is fused with what you are doing.

      I have had you on prayer since then. I see such great possibilities for CfAN in the USA holding crusades. We need it Daniel, so badly.

      We have become a nation of great entertainment churches and not enough power evangelism, and deliverance through The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

      I would love to see CfAN hold your first American crusade right here in Syracuse, NY. Yup right up in the North East, just to show The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings salvation and power anywhere, not just “The Bible Belt”

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