In posted from Afikpo Nigeria

Our crusade director leaned over to me tonight and said, “This is ‘real’ Africa.” He told me that one African evangelist came here recently but turned around and left when he saw the living conditions. Afikpo is as rugged and wild as it comes. Everything is raw and organic here – including the incredible power of God that we demonstrate.

Tonight the crowd doubled with over 125,000 in attendance…and this is only the second night! I preached a clear Gospel message and then invited the people to call upon the only name given under Heaven whereby men might be saved…the name of Jesus! In this idolatrous land we saw how many people brought their idols, charms and witchcraft fetishes to be burned just like in the days of Paul (Acts 19:19). By the thousands they surrendered their lives to Jesus tonight. I am sure that all of heaven has taken notice of what is happening in Afikpo.

Many mighty miracles also took place tonight as Jesus was faithful to His Word and mercifully healed the sick. I have attached a picture of a woman blind in both eyes for 12 years that was healed. I told her to catch me if she could and…well you can see for yourself what happened.

This morning was also the beginning of the Fire Conference, which will continue tomorrow and culminate on Saturday morning. Please continue to pray for us and for the salvation of the precious people of Afikpo.

Pictures by Oleksandr Volyk
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  • Richard McGreevy

    Pastor Daniel, it is AWESOME with a capital 'A' to see how God is moving in Afikpo. May the Lord Jesus continually anoint the preaching of his word through you and also Pastor Reinhard. Please pray for the nation of Ireland that the Lord would move on the hearts of this people, uniting them in the name of Jesus. Bless you abundantly. Maranatha! Exodus 14:14

  • Shelly: A Journey Through Israel

    Great blog, Dan! Loved the picture. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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