In #AmericaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, American Crusades, Articles, Miami Crusade, Posted from America

Miami, Florida Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade 2014 – Crusade Report


Dear friends and partners,


America is being saved!  I am excited to share with you the results from the Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade that took place this weekend in Miami, Florida at the American Airlines Arena.  Over the two nights, 15,000 people attended the powerful meetings and 1,835 people made a decision to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!  Praise the Lord for this mighty harvest of souls.


Each night, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke preached crystal-clear Gospel messages and the floors were absolutely packed with people coming forward to respond.  On Saturday night, the venue staff had to close down the venue floor due to the overwhelming response to the call to salvation!  Afterwards, I prayed for the sick and hundreds testified of being healed.


Our team is now working with the local churches to ensure that the new converts receive follow-up and find a local church home for discipleship and growth. In addition, thousands upon thousands of people were challenged and inspired to reach South Florida for Jesus.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we continue to reap the harvest.  Friends, it doesn’t end here, we are already making final preparations for our next crusade, which takes place in Greensboro, NC on September 12th-13th.  To learn more about our US crusades and how you can be involved please go to 


Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg, and the whole CfaN team


Peter van den Berg greets Florida Governor, Rick Scott


This man says he has been healed of deaf ears!


This woman says she can see again!






Photos by Oleksandr Volyk; Lidiya Volyk; Bernie Colon

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  • Andrew Friesen

    Keep of the good work Daniel and Cfan team! Andrew

  • Reginald Gevers

    Once again – praise God – the Good News produces GOOD NEWS! I too am identifying with the cry – America shall be saved!

  • Twila

    Heard you are coming to Chicago next year. Yay!

  • Bernard Makau

    Am so exited to see what God is doing in America,may the Lord help us(the rest of the Christians) outside here to learn from the man of God Reinhard Bonnke and value soul winning the way God values it,i know we may not all preach like him but everyone of us can do something with what the Lord has given him or her,Reinhard Bonnke-I LOVE YOY WITH ALL MY HEART,YOU INSPIRE ME SO MUCH,pray for may,i’ve a passion to win souls to Christ,Ben from Nairobi Kenya

  • Joshua Talltree

    This is awesome!!! The prophesies that I’ve heard are coming true!!! A great awakening/revival is coming to the United States!!!!

  • barasa humphreys ojambo

    may God transform America

  • Mary Rukenya

    Glory to God in the highest who has visited His people in such a mighty way. The memories of the Lord’s doing here in Nairobi Kenya June 2013 are still fresh and Jesus has proved to be the same Yesterday Today and Forever. Glory to His name.

  • esther

    Praise the Lord Daniel

    How are U and ur Gospel work ur doing? How is my Richard Uncle too?.. Today I got the message from ur Miami Crusade, I was so wondered about the people’s attention in meeting, healing and etc. I do like to see with my own eyes, I don’t know when God will give me this…

    My Prayer’s r with u and Hope Hole Teen is also doing same work about the lORD’S work..

    Anyhow I am so happy to give email to u Daniel, though ur so busy man I now that. Because as I am also doing the Service of God work. Daniel why ur email is not working? Is any thing wrong? Pls let me know it Ok.. 🙂
    Ok, God bless u and ur things too
    Ur Esther

  • kane

    We thank God.

  • Jacob Noble

    Wonderful and Praise the Lord!

  • Natasha Isnatus

    My name is Natasha, I have three children.just got divorce, no job, no money, I can’t learn, I go to school but can’t retain anything. I need prayer for God to bring me closer to him, fill me with his Holy Spirit. And I also have a son who’s artistic, I need Jesus more then ever.

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