Dear Missions Partners,
As we begin our next two Gospel Crusades in the cities of Singida and Arusha tomorrow, I wanted to share one more report with you from Evangelist Gary Smith and his final day of our Crusade in Shinyanga. Please read it below:
From Evangelist Gary Smith:
“It was raining all afternoon, and I was wondering if we were going to be able to have the last night’s meeting in Shinyanga. But we serve a mighty God of miracles! I began to pray and command the rain to stop until the crusade was finished, and just about an hour before the crusade started, the rain stopped. The skies all around the city were dark, but as we pulled into the stadium it was sunny and almost all clear skies. After the meeting, I spoke with my translator and he told me that one of the bishops on the platform said, “It’s going to rain. I know it’s going to rain because every time the clouds are that dark on that side…it rains”. While driving, we were praying that the rain would not affect the crusade grounds and that the rain would circle around the crusade field. What an amazing God we serve because that is exactly what happened.
Before I shared the Gospel message, we burnt two more barrels full of witchcraft paraphernalia, charms, bracelets, and idol worship items. We all rejoiced in the Lord for destroying the works of the enemy. Then I preached the Gospel. Tonight I talked about the law of sin, death, and the law of salvation. When the salvation invitation was given hands all over the field were raised to receive Christ as their Lord. It’s been amazing to see all the people receiving the Lord over the last four nights of meetings. We literally have seen heaven populated and hell destroyed! Glory to God!
I asked some of the Evangelism Bootcamp graduates to pray for healing tonight. As Victoria Osborne was praying, she released a word of knowledge for a lady that had come to the meeting with chest pain and that the Lord was healing her now! Jim Leamon also prayed for healing, specifically for creative miracles and commanding legs to grow out! People began coming to the testimony line because they were ready to share what the Lord had done. A woman came and testified that when Victoria was praying for pain in the chest, she took her hand and smacked her chest and said, “I’m getting my healing now!” Immediately she said she could feel the power of God touching her body and that her chest did not hurt anymore. A mother and a son then testified that one of his legs was shorter than the other, and he could not walk without a limp. While he was on the platform, I asked him to walk, and he was walking completely normal. In fact, he began to run across the platform from side to side!
These nights of meetings have been incredibly powerful, and the Lord has done great things for the people of Shinyanga. At the end of the meeting, I told the amazing people of Shinyanga that we were leaving but that we are rejoicing with them that their country, city, homes, family, and businesses will never be the same again. The city of Shinyanga belongs to Jesus! Hallelujah!”
What we have seen already in our first three crusades has truly been historic. We begin our next two Gospel Crusades tomorrow night with high expectations for a tremendous amount of salvations and a great outpouring of the Spirit of God. Thank you for praying and standing with us! More to come tomorrow.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team