In Crusade Photos, Posted from Gulu Uganda

Dear Mission Partners,

Today has been a day of Holy Spirit outpouring here in Gulu, Uganda. This morning the Fire Conference came to a close as Rev. Peter van den Berg preached a powerful message about Elijah and Elisha. He told the people that when our team leaves on Monday morning the crusade will begin in their churches. The pastors and leaders received the word and were so fired up and ready to receive the power of the Holy Spirit that I could hardly hold them back. What struck me about both the morning and evening services, when we prayed for the people to receive the Fire of God, was how easily they received. There was no hype, we didn’t try to work up the crowd, we just let the Holy Spirit have His way and the result was a genuine and powerful outpouring.

Over 120,000 people attended tonight’s service. During the meetings Gulu is like a ghost town. It seems that the whole city has flocked to the crusade grounds! What a privilege we have to be able to literally impact an entire city for Jesus in one week!

After I preached the Gospel tonight, I asked one of our esteemed team members, Siegfried Tomazsewski, to pray for the sick and mighty miracles happened. We are hearing a lot of those who have been healed say that they have just received Jesus as their savior this week. We rejoice with everyone who receives a miracle of physical healing, but without a doubt, the greatest miracle of all, is the untold thousands that are coming into the arms of Jesus. It is harvest time here in Gulu!

Tomorrow is the final meeting here. Please continue to pray for us.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team


Pictures by O. Volyk

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