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 Tonight the crowd nearly doubled to 200,000! The power of God fell in an extraordinary way and miracles began to take place even before I had finished praying for the sick.

As I was praying I saw a young woman running to the platform with crutches raised over her head. I immediately called her up to the platform. She came with her sister and they told me that she had been crippled by a severe spinal cord injury, but suddenly the power of God came over her and she was totally healed. They wept and embraced as they told the story (see picture below).

A woman brought her husband who had been mad. He was so violent and vicious that he had to be tied up. Before the meeting he was bound, hands and feet behind the platform, but during the prayer he returned to his senses. They cut the ties and set him free. He was calm and spoke softly to me in his right mind (see picture below).

A young man testified that he was crippled on the right side of his body for 11 years. Tonight, during the prayer for the sick, he suddenly felt something come out of his head and realized that he had full and perfect use of his arms and legs!

A woman, deaf in her right ear for 20 years received her hearing as well.

These were but a small sampling of the many mighty miracles that took place tonight, but the greatest miracle of all was the multitudes that responded to the message and received salvation.

Please continue to pray for us and the many people who need the touch of God here in Karu, Nigeria.

Yours in the Harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Pictures by O. Volyk

A woman who had suffered a severe spinal cord injury rejoices instantly healed

This woman had been crippled by cancer but was totally healed tonight

A madman who had to be tied up because he was so violent came to his senses during the prayer. They cut the ties and set him free!

200,000 people attended the crusade on Day 2 in Karu, Nigeria-August 2010

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  • Brandon Houseworth


    We need truth and the Glory in America!

    Rev Houseworth

  • giorgia testa assom

    we continue to pray while CfaN is in Africa, God bless! =)

  • wenny oentoro

    When I saw so many miracles happened, I really feel blessed.
    God Bless You, and success for your ministry.

  • Thomas Gana

    I was standing very close to the lady who had the spinal cord injury and was using crutches but got healed tonight. i was standing very close to her in the crowd. for most part of the meeting she sat down on a chair and stood up at intervals with the aid of her crutches. i often turned back to look at her as i also believed God for her healing to. AS Evangelist Kolenda prayed, she stood up and as the prayer went on, suddenly i felt somebody hit me and screem i can walk. she started running forward through the crowd and left her crutches. i was the one that picked up her crutches and ran after her to give it to her before climbing the stage to meet the man of God. God is awesome. There was another miracle shortly before the man of God was rounded up the prayers and handed over the microphone. Somebody on wheel chair jumped up and started walking. The wheel chair was raised up as the person walked forward. i can confirm if its a man or woman. people started shouting as the person moved forward. I expected the man of God to see the wheel chair raised up before he handed over the microphone but im sure he didnt see it. that miracle happened not in the middle of the crowd but at the left hand side not far from the stage. i expect that the person who received the miracle will show up to testify tomorrow. God is awesome. God bless you man of God. I look forward to greater miracles by God’s power.

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