In Articles, News, Posted from Abakaliki Nigeria, Uncategorized

Tonight the tide rose on every level. More people, more miracles, more excitement and more salvations. The crowd nearly tripled tonight going from 60,000 last night to 160,000 tonight! Evangelist Bonnke preached a classic message about the Blood of Jesus and broke the curses of the land calling them by name. After the prayer for the sick there seemed to be an explosion of the miraculous. All over the field dozens of crutches were being held high as former cripples made their way to the platform to testify. It was a whirlwind of salvations, healings and miracles…praise the Lord!

This morning I preached in the Fire Conference and there was a great reception to the message. The people are so hungry for the Word of God. Tomorrow night Evangelist Bonnke has invited me to bring the message and I am looking for another increase in the tide.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

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