In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Articles, Crusade, Crusade Photos, reinhard bonnke, Uganda

Uganda-Mbarara-2015-FD3-3134 Panorama

Dear Mission Partners,

As you know, we have struggled this week with the weather here in Mbarara, Uganda in almost every meeting. Tonight was no exception. As we gathered on the field, the rain began to pour. I could see that people were starting to scatter looking for shelter, anticipating another deluge. I decided that we could not let another opportunity pass. I quickly ran to the platform, took the mic, and prayed against the rain. I then began to preach, knowing that I may only have a few minutes before we were rained out once again. But amazingly, as I started preaching the rain turned to a sprinkle, and then stopped completely! A few minutes later, the skies were clear and the sun was shining through. We finished the whole service without an interruption. The crowd kept growing the entire night, and after praying for the sick, we heard amazing testimonies.

  • A woman, deaf for 46 years was totally healed tonight! Her pastor came with her and attested to the amazing miracle!
  • An elderly man whose hand had been paralyzed for 5 years was healed. He was eager to demonstrate how could open and close it, make a fist and do everything he was unable to do before!
  • A woman whose leg had been broken in a motorcycle accident had not been able to walk properly for a year-and-a-half. Tonight she was healed – she even did squats and danced on the platform!
  • A lady who had suffered with terrible pain from stomach ulcers for 10-years said that during the prayer she vomited and suddenly all pain vanished.

Many other notable miracles took place, but there is one I must give special mention to. Forgive the graphic nature of this, but I’m telling you just as it happened. A lady brought her young son whose ear had been continually draining puss for many years. During the prayer she said, “something came out” of his ear. The puss stopped draining, and the boy was healed. Then the woman proceeded to identify herself .When the people realized who was talking they began to shout and jump for joy! This woman is a very well-known witch-doctor in Mbarara (pictured)! She testified that tonight she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ, and received Him as her personal savior! She told the people that she will never practice “Ju-ju” again! There was dancing, rejoicing and singing – just a taste of what is happening tonight in Heaven. It’s joy unspeakable, and full of glory!

What an amazing night – and the best is coming tomorrow! Please keep praying for us, for the people of Mbarara and for good weather. We can feel your prayers and heaven is responding.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team












Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Ijeoma

    Hallelujah! ! Iur God is great and mighty!!!!
    How excellent are your ways in all the earth. May your signs and wonders continue to bear witness for your sons and daughters in missions!!!!

  • elisabeth


  • Alex Cornitius

    Praise the Lord! HalleluYah!!!

  • Carol Lyles

    What beautiful testimonies! They are living proof TODAY that our God is Almighty, loving, Healer,and through His Son the Savor of the world — the One who brings lives out of darkness into light and out of death into life. Praise His Name forever!

  • Heather

    God is so good!!

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