Dear Mission Partners,
We are rejoicing tonight. So many wonderful miracles and salvations – heaven is kissing earth here in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. A woman told us that many years ago a black snake had spit into her eye. It became swollen and soon went blind. Tonight she received her sight. Another woman, deaf in the left ear for more than 20 years said that she had a sensation as though something coming out of her ear during the prayer. She asked her friend to speak into the ear and was amazed to discover she could hear perfectly! Another woman, paralyzed on the right side, was healed as well as a little boy who was in the hospital yesterday and received his healing in the hospital as they listened to the live meeting broadcast over the radio! Jesus is so amazing. There is no limit to His power or His love.
This morning was also the final meeting of the Fire Conference. After Rev. Peter van den Berg finished preaching, the hunger of the delegates was like a pent up flood. Soon the dam had burst and the power of the Holy Spirit flowed across the field like a river.
There is only one more meeting tomorrow night. Please continue to pray. The harvest is ripe.
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team

This little boy was healed over the airwaves when he and his mother listened to the Gospel yesterday on the radio!
Pictures by O. Volyk
I have a cyst in and near my ovaries I am just tired of it, it disheartens me because I want to be pregnant,….my husband is a good man but I am hurt by the smallest things and can’t take it anymore…..will you be kind to pray for me and my family.
Praise the Lord. Nothing is too hard for Jesus.thank you Jesus
welcome again arusha tanzania.
What a moving hand of God within the nations! Science can produce one physician within several years; God gave us one person as a general hospital to make the imposible possible. God bless you
Praise God for your service!
Hallelujah. God is great. Weldone to the CFaN team led by evangelist Daniel Kolenda.
I really love what God is doing through you all. i really wish I could be a part of this awesome team, preaching the gospel everywhere and healing all that are oppressed.
I just want to serve God more with all of my being
that our God..Evangelist we as Afica are greatful to God for you..may he continually increase you