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(…Continued from Friday)

The picture above is from an amazing event where I ministered several years ago.  I had just finished preaching my heart out and now it was time to pray for the sick.  Little did I know, I was about to learn a new lesson in the subject I had just preached about – Faith.  Fired up by my own sermon and brimming with confidence I stepped off the platform and began laying hands on the sick who were situated right in the front.  I approached a man in a motorized wheelchair who was severely crippled.  His hands and legs were twisted, shriveled and lame. I turned to the ushers who were flanking me and said, “Lift him out of the wheelchair!” and I continued down the prayer line.

Im not sure what caused the miscommunication that took place next.  Perhaps it was the language barrier – we were in Hong Kong.  Perhaps it was due to the noise – it was a very loud meeting and a huge venue.  I’m not sure.  All I know is that after I had laid my hands on the last person in the front row, I turned back towards the stage and now that man in the wheelchair was sitting front and center on the stage in front of over 5,000 people!  Apparently, when I told the ushers to lift him out of the wheelchair, they thought I said to lift the wheelchair onto the platform.

Now it’s one thing to pray for a person on the front row, but it’s another thing to pray for them while 5,000 people are intently looking on.  I found my legs were a little weak, and my palms began to sweat…

…Ill tell you what happened next TOMORROW

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  • Josephine Laboriante

    …It’s not easy to be tough in Faith on your own…it’s different when God is the one toughens you! The Glory belongs to Him! Thank You, Lord for this also relates to Your people undergoing ‘walking in fire’…but not being consumed…You allow everything be put to test to be proven genuine in Faith in You!
    God Bless! Bro. Daniel, Pastor Bonnke and specially my Pastor Benny Hinn. You have ministered in my life in such a way that makes me still standing firmly in faith! Habakkuk 2:4 AMP bible

  • Evelyn Schroeder

    Thank you for sharing your faith building words and your experiences! I do understand that you began to sweat in that situation…I´m so hungry to see the kingdom of God built here on earth already, to see the lost get saved, the sick get healed, the bound ones get delivered….just to see the glory of the Lord coming down…blessings

  • Garet Arnold

    excited to see what your new book coming out is about. I see you said you ran our of time on this post but still was not pleased to be left hanging. Interested to see what you have to say tomorrow though.

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Thanks for being patient with me Garet:-)

  • Mark Stewart

    WOW this I must hear , I was a little nervous Wed night when our pastors asked me to come up to pray for their son in laws back , he was healed next was a lady on the worship team same back problem could hardly walk . She was healed But to stand in front of 5000 people with all eyes on you !!!!

  • Obieze Nwachukwu

    Wow!i’m itching to know what happend next. Really Bro Kolenda these testimonies encourages me and also fires me up. Thanks so much because somtimes i feel i’m all alone in the challenges i go through like you just mentioned that you started sweating in your palms and your legs were weak, i really do want to know how you overcame it;it will help me.

  • Eric Gilmour

    Glad you’re teling this…what a great lesson this was.

  • Chantal

    Thanks for your tweets – I don’t like the suspense though – tell us already!

    • Daniel Kolenda

      I didn’t do it for the sake of suspense Chantal…I just didn’t have enough time.

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