In Posted from Ugep Nigeria

I ran across an article online where someone was accusing CfaN for fleecing the African people.  This article said that since no other evangelists go to Africa nearly as often as Evangelist Bonnke and I, that is proof that we are “making millions of dollars from the African people”.  While this accusation is so ludicrous it is actually laughable, I wanted to share what we did receive as a gift on this last trip.  In UGEP, the pastors were so blessed by what the Lord did that, together, as a group, they offered a gift to our team: a pickup truck full of cassava, bananas and a goat.  Our Nigerian team took them back to the office and I’m sure they had a wonderful feast.

To all the critics I would say this; you may not be able to imagine why someone would go to these remote places of the world time and time again.  You may think that the only thing that could make such an effort worth while is a payoff of millions of dollars.  But our reward is so much greater than any amount of money.  We have the privilege of working in some of the most fruitful harvest fields of the world.  We have the blessing of seeing millions of people’s lives changed.  We have the honor of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ – true greatness in any mouth, as Evangelist Bonnke has often said.  We have the gratification of doing something with eternal implications.  We have the joy of serving people who are hungry for God, receptive, humble and grateful.  To us, that goat, those bananas and those cassava are worth more than a million dollars because they are a gift of love; a token of gratitude from the heart of precious people who are truly thankful to God.  Though they are poor in material things, they possess riches that many in the western world will never touch; riches of a spiritual kind.  If you are one of the cynics  that cannot understand why we would pour out our lives in this way without a huge payoff, perhaps that is actually an indication of something wrong within your own heart.  You will never know true satisfaction in life, until you find something worth giving your life for.  We have found something; “Africa Shall be Saved!”

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  • meaza

    hello brother Daniel, i’m writting you from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. i’ve been waching your ministries through ABN last week and i ve got many blessings from your prayer. i need your prayer for me and my family. if you are willing i’m ready to write to you the issues that i’ve.

    i wish you God’s blessings & grace



  • Chris Monnet

    Greetings and many thanks for a intriguing posting. I appreciate what you talked about.

  • Daniel Kolenda

    Thank you Charles. More grace for you as well. Blessings!

  • Daniel Kolenda

    Rev Ogujiuba, it is great to hear from you. We were so blessed in Ugep. Please send me any testimonies that you come across. We love to hear what God has done. Stay in touch!

  • Daniel Kolenda

    Thank you for the encouraging words Alberto. Im glad you like the new blog format. We will continue to improve it going forward so please keep checking back

  • Helen Yang

    A great picture. Please pray for Chinese. China and Taiwan shall be saved.

  • Charles ken

    Marvellous! Interesting! What a passion! What a commitment! Only God eternal can reward. More grace!

  • Revd ThankGod Ogujiuba

    We love the responce from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. May God bless the entire CfAN Team and replenish their sources from which they sponsored every aspect of Ugep Crusade. From Ugep Nigeria.

  • Revd ThankGod Ogujiuba

    Truly something must be wrong with the hearts of the critics and that is “uncircumsized heart” we pray from Ugep Nigeria that those critics would find peace and salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus, Amen. We are grateful to God for the blessings we received through that Crusade: the blind saw, the crippled walked, cancers and many diseases were healed by Jesus and many denounced cultism and idolatory as idols were buplicly burnt with fire. To God be glory, many testimonies abound in our churches. We presented those gifts to appreciate CfAN Team, may God enlarge their coasts and replenish their sources from which they sponsored every part of the Crusade. Ugep has seen the visitation of Jehovah! We love you all. From Ugep Crusade Secretary.

  • Alberto Conde

    Hi Daniel, Greetings to you & all the team of Champions from Sydney Australia.
    When I read your post I have to say I laugh & laugh and I think I will still be laughing during the day by just thinking about this article about the ignorance and the tenacity of some people and not to mention their lacking of comprehension, it has to be one of the most hilarious, funniest and ridiculous of the 21st Century! ha ha ,
    You are absolutely right, the reward is by far to greater and the enemy is trying anything to block the way for many people to come into the kingdom in your Crusades… He is afraid and nervous about your goals for the year 2010 and the years to come to bring millions of lost souls into the kingdom! “he is like a snow flake seating in the side of the Mountain trying to stop an avalanche of FIRE! he still has a choice to move away or get run over! ha ha! You responded to the article wisely and excellent, you are a winner, a warrior and a mighty man of God”

    Be bless always Champion!

    By the way this site is much better to browse than your previous blog, I will keep digging in.

    Thank you for all the updates, I get stirred and excited about everything you guys are accomplishing for God, Hasta la vista Champion!

    From your friend, partner & brother in Christ: Alberto Conde

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