In Crusade Photos, Posted from Burundi

Bujumbura, Burundi Crusade 2014 – Day 1

Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight, our evangelistic crusade began with more than 70,000 people in attendance! There is an electricity in the air. The whole city of Bujumbura is buzzing with anticipation. I’m sure this will be a historic week for the nation of Burundi.

Tonight, as always, I preached a simple and clear message of salvation to which tens of thousands responded enthusiastically. As we were praying for the sick, demons began to manifest all over the field. I had not preached about deliverance, or prayed for the demonized, but the “snake pit” (where our counselors cast the demons out) was filled. Afterwards, amazing miracles took place. Some of them are listed below:

  • A young man who had been deaf for the last 23 years in his left ear was instantly healed.
  • Another young man, dumb from birth, spoke for the first time tonight. His first word, in front of the huge crowd, was “Jesus!” I prophesied over him that he would become a preacher of the Gospel.
  • Another remarkable testimony came from a mother who had brought her baby that was deaf and blind to the service. When I shouted, the baby was suddenly startled and began to cry. The baby began looking intently at everything. It was clear the he could hear and see.

What a wonderful meeting – and this is only the beginning. Please continue to pray:

  • Pray for the Gospel to penetrate every heart.
  • Pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit with signs, wonders, and miracles.
  • Also, in this crusade we are using a brand new sound system, which many of you helped us to purchase. Our team has their hands full working out all of the kinks. Please pray for the technicians and the equipment.

Thank you again for praying for us, and for the precious people of Bujumbura!

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team




Pictures: O. Volyk

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  • Oscar barutwanayo

    Thanks Kolenda to your coming in Burundi maybe God should heal me through your message I am suffering many times ago .so I have been operated but till now I am ill whoever can help me should join on my help your team .Be blessed

  • Aniella

    God is so great, no doubt He loves Burundi!!! May His anointing continue to fall on you Servants of God!!
    Thank you for being a real blessing to this Nation, May God reward you beyond your expectations!!!

    Be blessed

  • Justus

    To God Alone Be All The Glory.
    I Magnify His Name for His Strange Acts n Works via His Servant.


    eh hehe my God is goodo
    every thing goes duble duble

  • Manirakiza samuel

    Blessed be the name of the Lord for all those that He is doing for all Burundians.God is good all the Time!

  • Meresi

    To God be the Glory.

  • Michael

    We thank our Lord Jesus for His great hand on the Crusade!!! May His name be exalted forever, Amen!

  • Arnaud

    Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will. Thank you for ministering to my people, back home, may be abundantly and above blessed.

  • christopher

    Wow!!, Glory to the most high God for delivering the people of Burundi, that was just the beginning , i believe God is going touch many more people during the whole period of the crusade. Thank you so much CFAN team more especially Evangelist Daniel Kolenda , you are my spiritual Father, I got Saved when you came to Uganda in 2012. God bless your mission and your family as well

  • Ev Samson Luke

    Yes, Jesus son of the living God,this is the time for the world to know that you are aMighty God. Nothing can resist against your power for u are so mighty Jesus.Time to shake gates of hell and set the captives free in Jesus mighty name. Lord Jesus Christ, i pray for your servants ,empower them for this ministry,its time to gloryfy your holy name. Thank you Jesus.amen. God bless u Ev kolenda and ur team as u preach to the world.

  • emmanuel kisikwe

    God’s faithfull,praise the LORD

  • wendy

    Dear Evangelist Daniel Kolenda….great rejoicing in thé goodness and thé love of God…..hé Is poing out his spirit upon allflesh…….I am thankful God Is moving in you midst……awaiting thé upcoming report……..of thé Lord…..Jesus truly reigns in thé earth….abundant Blessings and grace…..listing up thé needs of all…..Wendy

  • Noelani

    The beauty of the first word of your life being Jesus! There is a double blessing for supporting missionaries.

  • Apapa Taiwo Hamid

    Please can i join your evangelistic mission. I would love to preach the whole of my life. I dont need any salary or reward. Reinhard Bonke and Kolenda are my role model.

  • Tami Delaney

    Sounds absolutely amazing! Greater things will we see for sure….. what a blessed experience.

  • twagirimana jean bosco

    Great is our precious God

  • Collette Frankel

    Awesome God, thank you Jesus as Corrie ten Boom said there is NO Pit deeper than your awesome love, deliverence and grace. Move in power holy spirit and bring salvation, restoration and healing even more than can be imagined. GOD bless you guys

  • Pastor Herman Thystere

    Grateful to our Lord Jesus for allowing His grace to flow big time in Bujumbura. Receiving such a vibrant report of souls won and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit is a remarkable and outstanding news on Day 1. I still believe that the best is yet to come. The rest of the Gospel Campaign will confirm hell being plundered, and heaven being populated to the glory of our Lord Jesus.
    God BLESS the entire team there in Bujumbura!

  • Aimé

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, be praised forever and ever, for his wonderful Gifts to Burundi and to His Servants of CFAN and in all the world.

  • Bongdap Nansel Nanzip

    That was great! We pray for many more deliverances and mighty Manifestations of the Holy Spirit upon all and even upon all that read your Post in Jesus name!

  • shirley Trichie


  • samson

    i want to be healed

  • Laura Uwera Mutumba

    Thank u sooooo much Evangelist Kolenda and team for obeying God and go to Burundi, where I grew up!! I am from Rwanda and left my country when I was baby and went with my parents in exile!!! May God continue to bless u abundantly!! We are praying for you continually!!! I am Frida’s Aunty and she is my prayer partner so we never forget you in our prayers!! I was in B’gham/UK in May when you came with Todd White!! We will never be the same again after FIRE CONFERENCE!!! SHALOM TO U ALL THERE IN BUJUMBURA!!!! BURUNDI AND RWANDA SHALL BE SAVED!!!!

  • Lorena Saylor

    Praise God, what an awesome move of the Holy Spirit. That’s what it is all about, souls saved, healed, delivered, and miracle all in Jesus Name.

    What do I have to do to attend and help in one of your crusades overseas? I have my pass port, I have had all my shots. I’m actually leaving this Wednesday headed to Africa Tanazian for the third year in a roll, on a mission trip. We are working at an orphanage and men and women conferences.

    Thank you.

    Lorena Saylor

  • Samuel miranda

    Praise God for you are available for God will. ..

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