In Posted from Ibadan Nigeria

Dear Partners in the Harvest,

The view tonight was surreal. 350,000 people crowded onto the field, every one with needs that they came expecting Jesus to meet. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke took the microphone and began to preach. The message of the Gospel was crystal clear: “…Turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.” Then he prayed for the mighty crowd to be filled with the Holy Spirit and Jesus was true to His word, baptizing thousands of hungry souls in His fire – just as He did this morning in the packed fire conference (picture attached).

The other picture is of a woman who was instantly healed tonight after being unable to lift her arm for 5 months. We preach the full-Gospel which is all encompassing; salvation, healing, deliverance and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. In Scripture, the Gospel is never mere doctrine, abstract thought, but always takes shape in some vivid mercy, culminating supremely in Christ’s death and resurrection. “While we were still sinners Christ died for us…” (Romans 5:8)

Tomorrow night is the final meeting of this Gospel campaign in Ibadan, and we are looking forward to pulling in the nets one more time. Today is the day of Salvation!

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelists Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke
Together the whole CfaN Team.

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