In Articles, Devotional, Posted from Frankfurt Germany, Teachings

“The Devil is so much more earnest than we are. He buys up the opportunity while we are wondering how much it will cost.”
-Amy Charmical

Ephesians 5:16 (Amplified): “Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.”

When my son, Elijah, was 3 years old, he visited his grandparent’s church one day during the week. They were walking through the empty sanctuary and when he saw the pulpit, he asked if he could preach. He climbed up the steps to the platform, took the mic and told his Grandma and Grandpa to sit down. Then he began to preach his first sermon. His entire message was unintelligible except for 5 words; “There’s a price to pay.” Im not sure where he got that from, but when I heard about it I thought, “that will preach”.

Yes, there is a price to pay for the sake of the Gospel. Jesus has redeemed us to redeem the time…not to sing songs on padded pews in climate controlled churches while the world burns. There is indeed a price to be paid and even if it would cost us everything, that price would still pale in comparison to what is at stake if we don’t buy up the opportunity before us. That is why we spend. That is why we go. That is why we risk. For the sake of His eternal Kingdom.

Ill be in Africa in a few hours!

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