In Posted from Sapele Nigeria

Last night after the service, a woman stopped me as we were getting in the car to leave. In her arms she held her dead 3-year-old son. I held the body for just a moment, prayed and then left. Tonight we heard the testimony; as we drove away, the boy came to life and he is now perfectly well! She shared the testimony tonight and the crowd went wild! All of Sapele is rejoicing. Praise the Lord!

The crowd grew to 200,000 tonight. The mood was bitter/sweet. We are all so thankful for what the Lord has done, but sad that it ends tonight. We may never see the beautiful faces of the people of Sapele again in this world, but one day we will meet at the feet of Jesus for all eternity. That is why we come. That is why we preach. That is why we pay the price to reach them. We will return home now with the knowledge that hundreds of thousands have heard the Gospel and an entire city has been impacted. What a privilege!

I also wanted to share some special pictures with you in this report. Since this is the final campaign of 2009 we (the CfaN crusade team) celebrated Christmas together in one of the technical equipment containers. Some of our resourceful technicians prepared a wonderful turkey dinner in their make-shift oven…it was delicious! Our team is like a big family; united by a common calling to take the Gospel, “From Cape Town to Cairo”. I share this with you because we feel that you are also a part of this family. Even though we are separated by many miles today, we are laborers together in this historic harvest. We recognize the valuable part you play in this team as a prayer partner and a financial partner and we appreciate you.

From all of us here in at Christ for all Nations MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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  • Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

    Thank you Wini…you are my hero. Bless you!

  • Wini

    nice to see all these pictures and have to remember the time in the container and on site in Sapele. God bless you.Thank you for your service.

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