In Articles, News, Nigeria, Numan Nigeria, Uncategorized
Just a few days ago we held a mass Gospel Campaign in the city of Numan, Nigeria.  Over the course of 5 days more than 800,000 people attended the meetings and 557,860 decisions cards were registered from those professing their newfound faith in Christ.  You can read the reports from each of the nights below:
As usual, I am posting some interesting pictures that you would not have seen in the normal reports and publications to give you a fascinating “behind the scenes” insight.  Enjoy….
This is the desk in my hotel room. Al Kaaba is the cube building in center of Mecca and the holiest site in Islam toward which devout Muslims face when they pray

This is a picture of me taking a picture of the coolest instrument ever (see the picture from my camera below)

This has got to be the coolest instrument ever. Best I can tell, it is made from wood that is attached to horns by pieces of leather and played with mallets like a xylophone

Local "mammas" preform a traditional ceremonial dance. A fascinating cultural experience.

This is what I do while I wait...I blog - for YOU!

Imagine walking into your room on an EXTREMELY hot day to discover that this is your air conditioner

Following the example of Zacchaeus they got the best seats in the house

The view from my room in our hotel in Abuja

Press Conference

Awesome glasses!!!

Jacko hard at work on the crusade ground

You can't buy this kind of advertising!

Filming a greeting for the folks back home

(Most Pictures by O. Volyk)

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Showing 7 comments
  • Komal Erick

    Very Very bless full

  • Paul Lukandwa

    Really great to see how your letting God use you to do great and mighty things. May God richly bless you. Please come to Uganda , CFAN was last here in the early nineties, please come here, there’s a great hunger for God and harvest here…

  • Daniel Kolenda

    Thank you for your prayers Barry. God bless you!

  • Daniel Kolenda

    Thank you Daniel. May the Lord use you to do “even greater” things than these. Blessings!

  • Daniel Robbins

    Those are great and very inspiring. Jesus Christ is doing mighty works out there through you. Keep up the great work. And thank you for your post’s. They inspire me as well as i am sure many, many people. God Bless Cfan.

  • Barry westwood

    Great pictures Brother, I not sure what to say. But I pray for all those people in your pictures would surrender there life to Jesus, my heart breaks for them I pray Jesus would tarry long enough to see them healed and delivered coming to a saving knowledge of the Lord.. thanks for taking the word to them.. I Pray that God would anoint you with much power to keep spreading the Gospel.

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