In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Crusade, Crusade Photos, Kigali, Posted from Abakaliki Nigeria, Rwanda

Dear Mission Partners,

We’ve just returned from the field – soaking wet! In spite of the cold rain and lightning, the people came. They stayed, and many were saved and healed.

Preaching in the rain is never our first choice, but there was a “silver lining” this time. Next door, a large sporting event was taking place in the national open-air stadium. Thousands of people came out of the stadium to find shelter and were standing in range of our speakers where they could hear the Gospel. I pray the Lord touched many of their lives.

Before I preached tonight, I asked one of my apprentices and fellow evangelist, Daniel Mironichenko, to share his heart with the people. He did a wonderful job setting the stage for the main message.

We also had the chance to visit the genocide memorial today. 20 years ago, the genocide in Rwanda claimed almost a million lives – men, women, and children alike, innocent people. Most of them were hacked to death with machetes. We visited one mass grave where more than 250,000 unidentified corpses are buried. I took a bouquet of flowers to the grave on behalf of the ministry. As a team, we prayed for the nation and future of Rwanda. May the Lord take what the devil meant for evil and bring something good out of it. This is why we preach the Gospel – only Jesus can give beauty for ashes.

Please pray for us tomorrow. The weather forecast is calling for rain once again. Pray that the Lord would hold back the rain and give us one more shot to touch thousands with the Gospel. Thank you for praying!

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team




Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Faraja

    Your labor in the Lord is not in Vain,

  • Akloria Waly

    I pray for your service.
    God send you in this time to bring much people to God

  • Ricky R. Brantley

    God Bless you all, and keep up the good work reaching as many soul as you can for the Kingdom of God.

  • Lourdes Diaz

    Want to praise God and give Him thanks for raising men like you = for answering and being obedient to the call..”the harvest is indeed plentiful and the laborers are few…(true laborers..) God bless you mighty. will continue to pray for souls…lots of favor over your team..

  • petro basili kawau


  • Regina Russell

    Praying for many souls to be won for Jesus Christ, for many to be delivered, for many to be healed in Jesus name . Praying for the rain to hold off until the end of the crusade. By the blood of Jesus! Amen!

  • b. j. matthews

    Praising God for those who heard the gospel! I pray that hundreds will come to Jesus! May the power of the Holt Spirit move mightily!

  • Mercy

    May God continue to bless your good works and strengthen you.God bless Kolenda and entire Cfan

  • Genny

    What a wonderful day! We wanted to spend more time with the evangelist, even if we were soaked wet we didn’t feel the rain, we where so hungry for the word of God, so thirsty ! Evangelist of God the Lord promised me that I will see big miracles, extreme ones before you leave, we are praying for the weather and are expecting the maximum for Sunday !! May God bless you and your Team and may He blesses more the intercessors, we can feel “their job”

  • Lori Petty

    God bless all of you….pictures were very moving especially the grave site. The Lord is with you all many will be saved.

  • Samuel Antwi

    The LORD saturate skies of Rwanda in JESUS Mighty Name. We ceiled the weather in Rwanda with the Blood of JESUS and we declare that it shouldn’t in any day of the CfaN Programs in JESUS Name. May the HOLY GHOST take control. Amen.

  • Giovanna del Monaco

    Praise God for the wonderful work that you are doing
    I will be praying for you and the team, In Him, all things are possible

  • Kaylinda Albury

    Jesus is Awesome. What a wonderful work your mission is doing. My prayer is that souls continue to come to Jesus in numbers you have new heard or seen before. God bless Kolenda and Bonnke for this miracles movement in Jesus name. Amen

  • Coni Rhudy

    God bless you I am praying for souls and rain to stop. Thank you for being on the front line.

  • tony bussey

    it makes my heart burn to get into the field. god bless cfan

  • Maria Ponce

    May The Lord continued touch the heart of thousand people hunger for Him and pour out the rain of the Holy Spirit over those people and nations we must abide in the presence of ours Creator and understand that we were formed to worship and adore Him

  • Raquel espinal

    Just want thank you for believing in Jesús. and also for working for the kingdom of jehova!!
    I pray to our spiritual father. That how he is light, he light will shone upon you and there be no rain. And that there will only be open heavens upon you and everyone that is there! Because he will be present, and his will be in full control. Because he created the earth. The heavens. The day and night. So he can also control the weather!!! Because of the power in the name of Jesús I declare that there will not there will be no rain!!
    Thank you Jesús fir the glorious you will give the Gospel crusade!! Amen!!

  • Saul Lopez

    Brother Daniel, thank you for what you doing for the soul s, God bless you, my prayers are with you.

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