Dear Missions Partners,
It’s been one week since we reached the conclusion of our Decapolis outreaches, and what a glorious conclusion it was! Our team is excitedly counting the decision cards, the local churches are ushering in the new converts and discipling them, and we are praising God for all He has done and thanking you for your tremendous support!
For this Missions Journal, I want to share the report from our final night in Singida, Tanzania and tomorrow I will send my report from our crusade in Arusha.
In Singida, we had guest evangelist, Paul Maurer, preach a powerful gospel message and we had our Bootcamp graduates pray for healing and record testimonies.
Please read below reports from Evangelists Paul Maurer and Gary Smith:
From Evangelist Paul Maurer:
“Tonight the crusade drew to a glorious conclusion! People came wanting a touch from God, and the crowd grew substantially. In my message tonight, I asked the people the following question and formed my message around it: “What are you going to do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?” I said, “every man, woman, and child must answer this question in their lifetime.” At the end of my message, I gave them an opportunity to repent of their sins and make Jesus the Lord of their life, and I was amazed at the response. Many thousands raised their hand to give their life to Christ! More Muslims came to faith in Jesus tonight as well! I heard testimonies from this morning that the churches were already seeing new converts from the crusade! I love the emphasis that CfaN puts on follow-up, discipleship, and getting the people plugged into the local churches. Tonight, I noticed that the deliverance tent was again overflowing with people getting set free from demonic spirits. So many precious people received deliverance and healing this week! After I did a teaching on faith, three Bootcamp graduates (Joshua Hall, Michael-Seth Clifton and Jacob Ebersole) helped me pray for the sick, and the Lord did mighty miracles! I had a word of knowledge that tumors and growths were dissolving tonight, and it was a common theme that many tumors and growths disappeared in the name of Jesus!
To be able to minister at this crusade as a guest evangelist was the honor of a lifetime. I am so thankful to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the entire Christ for all Nations team! They work so hard to reach the lost. This week we saw the kingdom displayed with power, and I know the city of Singida will never be the same!”
From Evangelist Gary Smith:
“Tonight was the last night of the crusade in Singida, Tanzania. The last two weeks have been absolutely incredible with thousands of salvations, miracles, and people filled with the Holy Spirit. I am leaving Singida rejoicing in all that the Lord has done. I’ve heard several testimonies from the Bishops and Pastors today who are overjoyed as many new believers joined their church this morning. This is worth every dollar spent and every day away from family, to see people saved and planted into the local church. It’s not just making converts but to make mighty disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
Evangelist Paul Maurer preached an incredible and powerful message tonight. Around 15,000 were in attendance tonight as the meetings grew in attendance from night to night. When Evangelist Paul Maurer asked for those who wanted to ask Jesus to be Lord of their life, hands were raised all over the field. Again tonight, as with the past three nights, many Muslims were in attendance and asked Jesus into their life – Glory to God! There is such sweet joy in the people in the city of Singida. People did not want to leave the field once the service was over. The hunger of the people to receive more from the Lord is something you cannot describe. Family members were bringing me pictures and clothing items; they were even praying over the phone for their loved ones.
As I sit in my room tonight, I reflect on the faces of the people…night after night, they race through my mind…I see them encountering the Lord. It reminds me of the day I met my Lord and Savior! A day the people of Tanzania will never forget.
Jacob Ebersole, Michael-Seth Clifton and Joshua Hall, three of the evangelism Bootcamp graduates, prayed for healing tonight, and many were healed. Here are some of the testimonies:
- A lady had a growth on her neck for two years, and after healing prayer, it is now completely gone! She had much pain and could not eat well or swallow. Now there is no more pain! She easily took a drink of water and without pain.
- A lady had a tumor on her left breast. She felt power passing through her body as she was healed. Since 2010 the tumor has caused her much pain. She now cannot find the tumor and has no more pain!
- Another lady was healed of a chest problem. She used many different medicines, but none worked. She had terrible pain in her chest for two years, and tonight was the first time she was without pain.
- A lady had pain in her left side and back for two years. On the first day of the crusade Evangelist Daniel Kolenda told the crowd to check their body, and when she checked her body, she was able to move in previously impossible ways. Yesterday she worked for the first time in two years and was very happy. Tonight she said God had completed her healing, and now she has no pain.
- A man with a leg injury for three months received healing on the second day of the crusade. He says his foot felt like it was on fire and had much pain before the crusade, and he could not walk. Tonight he jumped on the stage with no pain at all!
- A lady was healed of a leg injury of ten years! She was here the first day of the crusade, but tonight she was completely healed of the pain in her leg! She felt a blessing over her when we prayed. Both legs were hurting, but tonight she has walked and moved with no pain!
- A lady broke her arm and could not move her wrist or arm, but yesterday she was healed and able to carry her baby for the first time. She felt a cold go into her hand and all the pain left!
- A lady had pain in her legs for 17 years! She had swelling in her legs and had much pain, but tonight all the swelling went down, and she felt a rushing cold go into her legs when we prayed. Tonight all the pain has gone in both legs, and she danced on stage!
- A lady (wearing the covering of a Muslim) named Loveness was born with intense pain in her back, stomach, and head! Tonight she was completely healed, and all the pain has left her body! Before, she could not bend over, but tonight she demonstrated that she could now bend and move with no pain at all! She came as a Muslim, but tonight she has received Jesus! She shouted on stage, “Jesus is Lord!”
- An older lady named Moshi Shabani came with terrible pain in her head since 1989. “I came in with my head so heavy, but now I feel so light!” Her body felt relaxed when she felt a rushing, cold wind over her body and all the pain left her! She danced on stage and rejoiced. She shouted, “hallelujah!”
Wow! Look at what the Lord has done! I shout out a mighty HALLELUJAH!! As we give all the Glory and honor to the Lord!”
Look out for tomorrow’s final Missions Journal on our last night in Arusha, Tanzania!
This is all possible because of you! Thank you!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team
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