In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Cameroon, Crusade, Crusade Photos


In December of 2013 more than 750,000 people attended Christ for all Nations’ Gospel Campaign in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. It was a week of salvation, deliverance, Holy Spirit outpouring and many extraordinary miracles. At one point a pile of crutches, wheelchairs, braces and other medical aids were piled on the platform – a monument to the power of the name of Jesus. A woman, deaf for 18 years was healed, on the platform, in front of hundreds of thousands of people. There were many other amazing miracles as well! In the video below I want to introduce you to one of the thousands whose life was changed in that campaign.

Sidney Zambo had been diagnosed with terminal throat cancer 18 months before our Gospel Campaign. The same terrible disease had taken her mother’s life and now she herself was close to death. Sidney had prayed for healing throughout her ordeal. But over the last four months the agressive sickness had progressed rapidly. She became bedridden and developed pain in her breasts. She was only able to drink liquids and eat a few soft vegetables. The constriction in the throat and the pain prevented her from eating more. She found strength to read her Bible as she was confined to her bed, but when she grew so weak that she could no longer speak, it seemed the end was near.

On the first night of the campaign, her sister brought her to the meeting and an usher carried 28-year-old Sidney to her seat. As she sat there with others who were also sick and infirmed, she prayed, “God, please don’t let me leave here the way I came!” Little did Sidney know, her life was about to change forever.

As we began to pray for the sick, the Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge about someone who was being healed of painful throat cancer. At that moment, she said, “I felt something like a wind—something like wind pushing me from behind, and I fell off my chair to the ground. The next thing I know, I was standing up on my feet.”

When she came forward we discovered that not only did she have painful throat cancer, but she had also been unable to walk, and had pain in her breasts as well! But Jesus had healed her from head to toe; throat, legs, and breasts!

Throughout that historic week in December of 2013 there were 363,940 Registered Decision Cards. The campaign was on the verge of being cancelled because of lack of finances, but the Lord provided and Yaoundé was shaken by the power of the Gospel!

Below is Sidney Zambo’s story, in her own words…
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Showing 13 comments
  • Marsha

    God has truly blessed you, may he walk with for the rest of your. Cover in his blood so no harm come to you in Jesus name.

  • Konosoang Mamonnye

    Glory to Jesus! Hallelujah!

    Awesome work that Christ for All Nations is doing across the globe especially in Africa! Please come back to Lesotho soon!

  • Daina Bennett

    Praise God for healing this Woman. What a wonderful testimony she gives of praying to God, reading her Bible, and standing on the promises of Hod!

  • rodgers

    glory be to the most high God… He is always powerful and faithful to His children…

  • O'Seun Victor

    Thank YOU JESUS

  • akpene sekyi


  • Olusola Makinde

    Thank you Jesus.

  • Nomkhosi Zondo

    To God be the glory!

  • stathis votsidis


  • Moses Okwan

    God we bless your holy name glory be to you.

  • Cielito

    Awesome power of God the same God who healed me of bowel cancer 3 years ago.Glory to the most high God.Yes,it is not by power,not by might but by the Spirit of God!Praise you Holy Jesus Christ in all the Earth.

  • suresh

    I praise God,I want to see God’s work all over India,I want to see thousands pepole coming everday in Kingdom of God.

  • James Carlock

    Beautiful! Jesus loves you! I love you, Jesus.

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