Dear Missions Partners,
We have just concluded another night of meetings in Arusha and Singida, Tanzania and we witnessed the full power of the gospel in both of these cities. Thousands were saved and set free, in Jesus’ Name! God is moving and Tanzania will never be the same!
Evangelist Nathan Morris was in Arusha and Evangelist Paul Maurer was in Singida, they both preached a clear and powerful gospel message with tenacity and fire! I want to share with you their reports from tonight, and I know you will be blessed and encouraged as you read them.
From Evangelist Nathan Morris:
“My heart is full as we have just finished night two in Arusha, Tanzania. There are no words to fully describe how it feels to see the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ impacting the city of Arusha! Once again, the hunger and expectancy of these precious people was tangible as they waited for the Gospel to be preached.
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda joined the crusade tonight, and it was my honor to be alongside him and the whole CfaN team. I preached the Gospel, and once again, thousands responded to the call of salvation. Oh, how awesome it is to see the Gospel at work, for it truly is the power of God unto salvation!
The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way as we worshipped and declared healing over the people! The testimonies of the healing power of God is increasing every night! Here are just a few of the incredible miracles we heard and saw tonight.
- After a word of knowledge that God was moving in a woman’s womb and that the child would not die but live, a woman testified to having three miscarriages in the past and is currently four months pregnant. After visiting the hospital, they told her that they could not find the baby’s heartbeat. With tears flowing down her face, she described coming to the meeting believing for a miracle! The power of God came upon her, and she felt her baby move for the first time! Glory to God.
- A lady who was suffering from diabetes for over 20 years testified she was healed the first night in the field. She went to the hospital this morning after waking up feeling whole, and doctors confirmed that her sugar levels were normal.
- A young man was healed from back problems that caused his leg to be totally numb, and he couldn’t move his leg. After receiving prayer, he was running across the stage, praising God!
- A young girl couldn’t see when she came to the field tonight. God opened her eyes after six years of not being able to see.
- A lady came to the gospel campaign tonight with crutches due to a broken ankle. After God touched her, she was dancing and running all over the stage, in Jesus name.
We give God all the glory. Please keep praying for us as we continue to reap the harvest together. We thank God for this incredible privilege. Amen”
From Evangelist Paul Maurer:
“Before the meeting tonight I was praying in my hotel room, “Lord your Word says that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. I know there is power in the gospel. I would love to see your power manifested during the message and see demonized people get set free as I share the gospel.” Jesus answered my prayer, as this is what happened tonight! My interpreter told me that as I started preaching the word and said, “Jesus is Lord over Singida!” people began manifesting demonic spirits and were rolling around on the ground. The ushers took them to the deliverance tent, where they cast the demons out of them. This happened several times during the message. After the meeting, I went to the deliverance tent to see what was happening, and it was overflowing with people getting set free from demonic spirits!
There are a lot of Muslims that live in this city. In fact, the city is 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. My interpreter told me that he noticed many Muslims at the crusade tonight. When I came down from the stage after speaking, two Muslim women approached me and wanted prayer for their children. I noticed that one of the women had a “Now That You Are Saved” follow up booklet on her, and I asked what had happened to her tonight, and she said that she gave her life to Jesus! The other Muslim lady told me the same thing! I even heard a testimony of a Muslim that got filled with the Holy Spirit after she gave her life to Christ. When I gave the altar call tonight, thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus. There is power in the gospel! It was a night I will never forget.
After I preached the Word, Evangelist Joe Turnbull (who is the local crusade director and Bootcamp graduate) did a teaching on faith, prayed for the sick, and took up testimonies. We heard some incredible testimonies of the healing power of Jesus tonight!
- A lady came to the meeting, crawling on her knees, it was very difficult for her to stand. She had a hard time keeping fluids down as well and was vomiting. Her husband came to the crusade last night and shared what God was doing. She had a dream last night that Joe Turnbull prayed for her, and in the dream, she was completely healed. Tonight when Joe prayed, she was healed of all pain and sickness, she began to run around on the stage!
- Another lady had been suffering with pain in her stomach and leg for eight years. Jesus touched her tonight, and she was completely healed.
- A lady had problems with her knees for 23 years and could not walk. After healing prayer, Jesus touched her, and she started to walk. She was happy at what Jesus did for her.
- A lady had abdominal pain for two years. The pain was so bad that she would often vomit. Jesus healed her tonight, and all the pain left.
- A lady was burned by hot oil two years ago, and she had complications because of it. She could not bend over, and she had severe pain every night. Jesus completely healed her. All the pain left, and she can now bend over.
- Another lady had leg pain and was completely healed.
It has been such an honor to minister here as a guest evangelist at this CfaN crusade, and I’m very thankful to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda for the opportunity. There are two more crusade nights left in Singida! Please keep us in your prayers. The harvest is ripe!”
Thank you for being on this incredible journey with us! We are blessed to have your support and prayers. We have two more nights to go, please join us in believing for even greater things to come!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team