Dear Missions Partners,
Tonight concludes Night Three of our second week of crusade meetings in Arusha and Singida but also our tenth day in Tanzania, where we’ve been preaching the gospel in multiple cities through our ‘Operation Decapolis’ initiative. You may have heard me speak about how in 2017, I felt in my heart that over the next ten years or so, God would double the number of souls saved that we had seen in the previous 30 years, to well over 150 million. And my friend, right now we are witnessing just one of the initiatives that will be implemented to fulfill this vision. It is a supernatural acceleration of the harvest in this crucial hour of history! We are praising God for all He has done the last ten days and are filled with expectancy for our last day of meetings tomorrow! Please pray for the people of Arusha and Singida, that more people will come to the meetings and be saved, healed, and delivered in Jesus’ Name!
In this Missions Journal, I will share with you the reports from Singida from Evangelists Gary Smith and Paul Maurer, along with the healing testimonies that were reported in Arusha.
From Evangelist Gary Smith:
“The power of God filled the people of Singida, and they will never be the same again! Tonight was the third night of the four-day crusade. We started the meeting off burning more witchcraft paraphernalia and declared that Jesus was Lord over Singida! As I preached the simple message of salvation many people were set free from demons. When I gave the invitation for salvation, hands were lifted high all over the field as they raised their voices and asked Jesus to be Lord of their life. I am still in awe of all the people who have asked Jesus into their life, turning from darkness and to the glorious light! We have seen so many Muslims accepting Jesus. It is beautiful to see the smiles on their faces. Not only have we witnessed thousands of salvations, tonight we prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was so powerful, people all over the field were crying, shaking, speaking in tongues, and demons were coming out of people! I don’t even know how to describe in words what the Lord did tonight. I am still in awe of the Lord’s goodness. He loves His people so much and wants them to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that is what happened tonight! Glory to God! Lilliana Alvarado, a CfaN Bootcamp graduate, and I prayed for healing. When we asked the crowd if they had received healing to raise their hands, all over the field, hands were lifted high, and people were rejoicing in what the Lord had done. Here are a few of the testimonies:
- A Muslim lady who gave her life to Christ tonight was in a lot of pain because of arm problems. She didn’t want to share publicly what happened, but it appeared that her arm was severely burned. Tonight, during prayer, she said she felt coldness go into her arm, and now all the pain was gone! Jesus healed her.
- A lady had pain in her leg for 15 years, and she could not walk properly. After prayer, she can now lift her knees and walk. She said that Jesus completely healed her.
- Another lady had multiple things wrong with her. She had stomach problems, and she had lots of pain in her legs and feet. She also had a tumor on her left side. During healing prayer, the tumor left, and all the pain was gone! She was completely healed.
- A lady had pain for five years in her abdomen. The pain was very bad and so she had surgery one year ago. She said there were complications with the surgery, and the pain didn’t get any better. She said she was always in constant pain. Tonight, Jesus healed her and all the pain left.
- Three people testified that they were in severe pain because of headaches. One lady said the headaches would get so painful that sometimes she couldn’t hear properly. One man said that his headaches were the result of witchcraft. Jesus touched all three of them, and they were all completely healed tonight.
I rejoice with the people of Singida tonight for what the Lord has done! It is such an honor to be a co-evangelist with CfaN, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, and Evangelist Paul Maurer. I would like to thank everyone for praying, fasting, and blessing CfaN financially as we continue to share the gospel of Jesus Christ! The harvest is now!”
From Evangelist Paul Maurer:
“Tonight was the third night of the crusade here in Singida. It has been amazing to witness all that Jesus is doing! Each night the crowds continue to grow, and I heard tonight that before the meeting even started, people were lining up at the deliverance tent to get special prayer from the trained counselors. Evangelist Gary Smith preached a passionate message on the story of Zacchaeus. It was a powerful message that teaches redemption and how no one is beyond the saving power of Jesus Christ! Tonight thousands came to Jesus as Evangelist Gary gave the altar call.
There was a special prayer tonight for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. As Gary began to pray for this, the Holy Spirit began to work on the hearts of the people. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues! It was a beautiful sight to see so many filled and touched by the Holy Spirit!
There is one more night left here in Singida! So many are being touched by the power of God! Please pray for a great harvest and for Jesus to confirm His Word with signs and wonders.“
Testimonies from Arusha, Tanzania:
- A lady with a brain tumor that had caused her continuous pain for over six years, was healed. She testified that all the pain was gone in Jesus’ name.
- A lady that had taken diabetes medication for over 20 years felt the power of God on Thursday night. She went to the doctor after the meeting and testified tonight that the doctor’s report said her sugar levels were normal.
- Another lady who had suffered from high blood pressure for ten years; was touched by God on the first night. Since then, she went to the doctor, who verified that she was healed and her pressure has been stable with no medications.
- A man that was paralyzed on the right side of his body for the last three years from seizures was completely healed and danced along as we worshiped God for his healing.
- A lady with asthma who had to use a breathing pump multiple times a day was healed by God on the first night and testified she hasn’t used the pump for three days.”
Tomorrow concludes our very first Operation Decapolis here in Tanzania, and we are very expectant for all that God is going to do. Thank you for your faithful support and prayer! More to come tomorrow!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team