The J+Passion Conference is now over and what a wonderful and powerful conference it was. In each service there was an overwhelming response to the message…nearly unanimous. The second service which was in a morning session was so powerful. So many people were weeping during the message. The people came forward at the alter call wanting to lay down their lives to be used for God’s kingdom. I was told that the Japanese were very shy people. I was told that they would probably not respond outwardly, but I did not see that side of them. The passion that they demonstrated was as intense as anything I have seen. In the final service the Fire of God fell in a powerful way. I must admit that I did not know what to expect, but when the alter time came nearly every person that came forward (except one or two) was blasted by the Holy Ghost! Many of the people testified that it was the first time they had ever experienced a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Several people were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time. One young woman had been seeking the Baptism for over 10 years and during this conference had a breakthrough and received. Young children were shaking under the power of God. Old men and women were layed out on the ground. Young people everywhere were speaking in tongues and being touched by the Holy Spirit for the first time. I was told that this had never happened before and that it was a new experience for these believers and for the whole region. The next day many people stood before the crowd and with tears testified to a transformation in their lives. 

I think that this was an exceptionally powerful week for Miyaziki, Japan. There was certainly a spiritual breakthrough that came about as a result of this conference. Over and over I heard the expression, “we have never seen this before”. There is something so precious about seeing people touched by the Holy Spirit when it is a new experience. They react differently than the veterans. The expressions on their faces are unforgettable. They’re newfound passion is contagious and refreshing. It is such a privilege to be able to be a part of it. Once again, thank you to everyone who helped us to be able to bless the precious people of Japan.
I think that this was an exceptionally powerful week for Miyaziki, Japan. There was certainly a spiritual breakthrough that came about as a result of this conference. Over and over I heard the expression, “we have never seen this before”. There is something so precious about seeing people touched by the Holy Spirit when it is a new experience. They react differently than the veterans. The expressions on their faces are unforgettable. They’re newfound passion is contagious and refreshing. It is such a privilege to be able to be a part of it. Once again, thank you to everyone who helped us to be able to bless the precious people of Japan.
I have two more services in churches tomorrow and then from here I leave for London.
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This is wonderful!