In Crusade Photos, Posted from Accra Ghana
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Christ for all Nations Great Gospel Crusade – Accra, Ghana – Day 3

Dear Mission Partners,

This has been one of those nights that are hard for me to describe. As always, our emphasis was on the preaching of the Gospel of salvation, to which many thousands responded. But when the Gospel is preached the inevitable result is miracles. Even though I hardly said anything about healing, the Holy Spirit loves to confirm the lordship of Jesus and manifest His Kingdom through supernatural demonstrations.

Tonight we saw so many healings: A man blind for ten years healed. A woman with an issue of blood healed. A deaf man healed. A lady threw her walking stick away. A woman took off her neck brace. I even danced with the woman who had been crippled. But the most moving testimony came at the very end. I asked our video team to quickly give me the raw video (I’ve attached a link to it HERE) so you can see for yourself what happened just a few moments ago.

A man who had been deaf for almost two years had just arrived in town from another city by train and had unwittingly ventured into the city center (Independence square – where our campaign is being held). He was a Muslim. He had no intention of coming to a Gospel meeting and he could not understand anything that was going on anyway, so he lied down and went to sleep. But when he woke up, to his utter amazement, he could hear! He came to the platform and stood before me trembling, overcome with emotion. He had a look of shock on his face. “My name is Mohammed,” he said, and he proceeded to tell me his story.

I asked him if he knew who had healed him and he said it is “The messenger of the Almighty God…Jesus.“ The whole thing was so raw and fresh. I could see he was struggling to come to terms with what he had just realized. “Jesus is, Jesus is…he is a God,” he said, as though the thought had just occurred to him. He said, even the Koran says if you do not believe in Jesus Christ you are not a good Muslim. He seemed to be trying to justify this to himself. But I wanted to make it clear for the thousands watching this unfold, “Jesus is not just a messenger,” I said, “He is the Son of the living God. He is the way, the truth and the life…”

By the end of our conversation, he seemed to be settled and completely sure, but he desperately wanted to get the message to his wife. So he announced the name of the city where he lives and said “If anybody knows me…tell my wife, Jesus is the Son of God!” I wish you could have seen the crowd. No football team has ever received such enthusiasm – they were jumping and dancing and shouting with joy unspeakable and full of glory.  It is a moment I will never forget.

I’ll have to save the rest for tomorrow. Here is the link to the video again (you will be blessed):

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team


A crippled women dances!


A blind man sees!


A deaf Muslim hears for the first time in 2 years!

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Thousands responded to the gospel in Accra, Ghana tonight

Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Mavis Nkoah

    I love evangelist Reinhard Bonke and evangelist Daniel Kolenda. God bless you for the beautiful work. I got born again by some missionaries that came preaching the gospel at where i was in a little town in Ghana. I also want go to places to preach the good news….I love this work…it is beautiful

  • Kenal Ishaya

    Thank you Jesus, sir may God take you to another level in in Jesus name.

  • Becky

    Our God is an awesome God! To Him be all glory, honor and praise.

  • Daniel M. Narh

    In deed, it was a move again by the Holy Spirit. I was the vice chairman of the ushers. All that took place ABSOLUTELY did not have faking or pretence. It was the exact declaration by healed people. The Evangelist was and his team were extremely awesome. God really visited Accra and Ghana. God richly bless you.



  • Joseph Emmanuel

    glory be to God. more grace sir.

  • Leke

    This is an abnormal miracle… It is beyond the norm! Wow!
    Tell it to everyone, say it with all your heart, dream it, pray it, speak it, alarm it… Jesus is the true son of the living God!!!

  • Evangelist Omoroghene E.Patrick

    I so much hope that one day me and my family Dream Alive Revival Evangelical Ministry will invite our great Evangelist to my city Warri and my town Aladja in Udu local government area.

  • chimaobi austin

    God is good

  • Fashina Sunday Stephen

    I need prayer 4 my life

  • Uche

    Jesus Is Lord.

  • markos medhin

    may the glory of the son of God, Jesus fill the world soon.

  • Samuel

    This is wonderful!

  • Sunil Sanawar

    Praise the LORD
    Really our LORD and son of God almighty JESUS CHRIST and Holy Spirit, this trinity comes to them, who want to be heal and save with pure heart to go to heaven spiritually and then by the servant of God become a medium for them who is new in Christian.
    i am so happy to see this in Africa and i pray to LORD for Evang. Bonnke and Daniel, LORD protect and bless them forever such as you are using.
    in Jesus name Amen!!!!!
    Sunil Sanawar

  • Ivy

    Thankful to the Lord it happened live in Accra! The preaching and ministration on the final day were a true blessing to me. I received a lot of blessing. God bless you!

  • Pst.Igwe Emmanuel

    I am glad for the great manifestation of divine power.May the lord increase his grace in you ministry and manifest more power to save,heal and deliver in Jesus name.

  • David

    Thank you Jesus, may your name be Glorify for ever

  • Kodjattson

    Praise God

  • Evangelist Goodnews Onyedika Ibelegbu

    Am Evangelist Goodnews From Nigeria, am really Blessed by Messages From Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. “Jesus is indeed the Son of the Living God” Halleluyah.

  • Pastor CSN Kevin

    May His grace increase in your life, remain lifted.

  • Pastor CSN Kevin

    By the special grace of God am the senior pastor Wisdom Word Assembly Int’l.
    We love you man of God. May God strengthen you and keep your ministry.

  • nana akua

    God bless you,we are happy to have you here to share the powerful word of God with us. Ghana is blessed

  • Solomon Semere

    yes, Lord Jesus can do this !

  • Esther Wu

    Hi, My name is Esther and I live in Taiwan. I have been attending Rehinard Bonke’s conference in Taiwan twice. He has really done a lot of miracles from God. I recently lost my confidence in God. I try to experience His miracle in me again. Would you please pray for me. It is amazing to see the deaf man gets healed by Jesus. I want more of Jesus too.

    Beloved yours, Esther from Taiwan

  • Adedayo

    It’s wonderful. Jesus remains Lord. He was, He is and He will remain Lord. I bow in worship.

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