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Today my new book Live Before You Die – Wake up to God’s will for your life was released.   It is an “interactive” book which includes QR Codes and links that will take you to videos that bring the content to life.  As far as I know it’s the first of it’s kind.  Want a sneak peak?  Check out the video below.  This video is found in chapter 12 entitled, “The Cemetery of Fear.”

Will you help me get the word out?  Here’s what you can do:

  1. Follow this link and get your copy right away (we want to push this to the top of the Amazon charts):
  2. Leave a book review on Amazon
  3. Let your Facebook friends and Twitter followers know about it (you can cut and paste the link above)
[youtube oCtst4nB9vw&feature]



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  • Wanda York

    A dear friend sent me this video because I am going through an upheaval in my life right now. She thought it might help me. I can’t tell you how timely this very video is to my present state of mind and how spot on it is to my thoughts of the Lord and how he is touching me and my heart. It is affirmation that he is trying to reach me and guide me to his purpose for my life. I am grateful to her and I thank you so very much. This has truly blessed me today. May God bless you, Wanda

  • Samuel Strandberg

    That was awesome!

    Thank you for writing and sharing this.


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