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I have’nt been able to post for a while because my mac broke down last week (AGAIN…argh!), but here’s the catch up: After I got home from Montgomery, Alabama, I turned around and got on a plane for Pittsburgh where I ministered at The Medows Race Track church with pastor Joe DiDinato on Fathers Day. After a few meetings I am back in Tampa now and will be here for a little while. I will be preaching at CCF this coming Sunday and then I leave for India on the 29th. I have been trying to break in my new hiking shoes for the 15 mile uphill hike into the Indian jungle (Lord help us all:-). I am so excited about what the Lord is going to do there. I am starting a fast tomorrow and I want to invite everyone who will to join me in fasting and prayer for thousands of salvations, a torrent of healings and miracles and for safty and continued provision for this crusade.

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  • Ed & Ann Marie

    We are contiuing in our prayer support for you. I guess the best way for us to keep track of you is in this blog. Much is going on and many choices are awaiting us so please contiue to pray for us as well. Blessing on you and your family and we hope to see you soon.

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