In Crusade Photos, Posted from Addis Ababa Ethiopia, reinhard bonnke

Dear Mission Partners,

Another Gospel Campaign has just come to an end here in Ethiopia.  Have a look at the attached pictures of the awesome crowd!  You are looking at a miracle!  This event almost didn’t happen.  All the odds were against us.  But Jesus made a way where there seemed to be no way and now we have experienced a mighty victory.  Thousands have met Jesus and the city has been impacted for eternity! Praise the Lord!

In tonight’s Grand Finale meeting Evangelist Bonnke preached the Gospel and I prayed for the sick.  One of our guests told me that he has never been in a meeting like that in his entire life.  It was surely an epic evening.  Several women testified that goiters instantly vanished.  Crippled legs were healed and one woman’s short leg grew out!  I’m sure every church in Addis Ababa will be filled with testimonies for months to come.

We have been blessed to have a large number of guests along on this trip – partners like you from around the world.  We have enjoyed every morning at 6:30 listening to Evangelist Bonnke share the scriptures with us in our morning devotions.  We really do appreciate every one of you and consider you part of the CfaN family.  I thought I would send you a link so that you can download this morning’s devotion and be blessed just as we were.  To download it just follow this link:

We now turn to West Africa where our next campaign will be held in Benin.  Thank you again for your prayers and support.  We really depend on you and thank God for you.  Let’s continue to “plunder hell and populate Heaven for Calvary’s sake.”


Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelists Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke
Together with the whole CfaN team


This women’s leg grew out!

This women’s crippled leg was healed!


Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Ekwunife Dozie

    Thank God for what He is using u do. More grace. Dozie from Nigeria

  • Dean Buchholz

    Reinhard, Daniel or Konrad, I am in Canada and I have felt called to be an evangelist. I want to work under you, train under you and preach under you. I am in my 2nd year Bible college (I am 42) but I am in a time of my life I have to preach the good news. I have to. Please give me this opportunity to be your underling, your worker. I will come there and give up everything. Dean Buchholz 6132226510

  • Elizabeth Boyens

    Was there the second or third night of the crusade. it was such an awsome experience to be inAddis Ababa and to be able to attend the crusade. When we were walking out and up that rocky hill, we saw a man sitting on the ground. The young man we were with from one of the local churches bent over and gave the man a hug. Then the man reached up and gave my daughter, GEORJANN a hug then me. It was then I realized the man was walking on his hands. To and from the crusade ON HIS HANDS WITH THE JOY OF THE LORD ON HIS FACE! Gods exceedingly abundant blessings on you and Daniel!

  • Wondu

    Dear Evangelist Reinhard Bonke and Evangelist Daniel kolenda,

    God bless you both
    Wondu from Ethiopia

  • Gashahun Nemomsa

    May God Bless Ethiopia again!!!!

  • abel

    omg! i was also in there on the grand finale day 5 it was totally awesome i cant forgot your uplifting and blessing prayers, to be honest i never heard or attend this kind of prayer before. you are really graceful man of God. i also not forget the gospel preached by the beloved and grand preacher Eva.Reinhard Bonke “there is no way from heaven to hell or from hell to heaven but there is a way from earth to heaven that is JESUS.” i miss to see u again, hope you will come back soon. God bless you and your partners. Heb 6:10

  • Gebrael

    I was in your ministry GOD bless you gays we are blessed

  • MSH

    THANK YOU for sharing on what happened during the crusade and for posting the photos.

    God has placed before CfaN an open door that no one can shut.

    Though the door to Addis Ababa/Ethiopia seemingly remained closed for 20 years to CfaN, God has opened it! It is HIS-story in the making. There shall no longer be a famine of hearing the words of the LORD in Ethiopia.

    Thank you also for sharing Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s message during the morning devotion. I have been blessed.

  • Dawit

    Dear Ev DANEL

    warmest greeting from Addis Ababa Ethiopia may God
    Bless you all your Team for your Ministers.

    many Blessing


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