Last night we had quite a fascinating cultural experience. We were able to attend a bullfight in the very arena where the Gospel campaign was held tonight here in Madrid, Spain. I told the people tonight as I stood on the arena floor that I am glad they removed the bulls before sending me into the ring. Our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but we wield the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and we have come to cut down every demonic stronghold through the preaching of the Gospel.
Tonight was the first evening of the evangelistic campaign, and we were so blessed. I preached on Romans 13:14, “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ” and when the altar call was given the people poured in from all sides until there was no more room…and still they came. Although there are many religious people here, religion has never saved a soul…only Jesus saves. At the altar I was touched to see so many people weeping tears of repentance. I am sure that salvation had begun flowing through that stadium before the prayer of salvation was even prayed.
Then mighty miracles began to happen. One woman came to testify with both of her children who were deaf. Jesus healed them BOTH tonight! They were all so overwhelmed by the miracle. As they held each other and wept the people shouted for joy…what a mighty God we serve! There was an extraordinary sense of presence of the Holy Spirit on the platform that seemed to impact every person on it…including myself. We are not in Africa now, but we are seeing the same results – salvation, signs, wonders, miracles and healings.
Tomorrow morning will be the final FIRE Conference meeting, and then tomorrow night will be the final crusade service…we are all looking forward to hearing Evangelist Bonnke preach the Gospel like no one else can.