In Crusade Photos, Posted from Yaounde Cameroon

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Dear Mission Partners,

300,000 people attended tonight’s final meeting here in Yaounde, Cameroon. The chairman of the crusade opened the meeting with a farewell speech for our team. He said that they have always known Reinhard Bonnke as a man who did not exalt himself, but Jesus Christ and he said that we had continued in the same way. To me it was the greatest compliment, that the ministry and the preaching had exalted Christ. This is our goal and a true measure of any ministry’s success.

I asked Todd White to share his testimony. Then I preached the Gospel, prayed for the sick, prayed for the prayer requests sent in from around the world and then prayed a prayer of blessing over the people which they received with great joy. It was indeed a full package and the whole Gospel was delivered complete with salvation, repentance, signs, wonders, deliverance and blessing.

It is sobering to think that this crusade was almost cancelled due to lack of finance. Up until four weeks ago we did not know how we would be able to pay for it. But Jesus was faithful and you stood with us in your finances. As a result, more than 750,000 people heard the Gospel this week. Thank you for standing with us. I pray The Lord would bless you richly and give you a harvest in your own life as well in Jesus name.

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole Cfan team.




Pictures by O. Volyk


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  • Christine Dell'Acqua ANICHUKWU

    Thank you Jesus
    Thank you Daniel
    I love you and I cry to love Jesus more than myself one day, died to myself
    And let Jesus make his life totaly in me.
    Wish to come to your crusade to be empowered.
    In Nigeria near Enugu so I could see my African family for the first time also.
    My Mama is the most belivers that I known. She don’t know how to write or read even don’t speak english I wish to present her to you.
    Blessings blessings blessings to you all Christine

  • larry powell

    it is a blessing to support this ministry…….larry powell

  • Fabian Lyonga

    I just want to appreciate what God did in this land through His servant Evang: Daliel Kolenda and the rest of the team.
    Cameroon will for ever remain blessed in Jesus name.
    I am Fabian, the head of the Protocol unit for the crusade.

    please continue to pray for this nation, and for unity in the body Christ in Cameroon.

  • Evang Patrick

    God bless you Evangelist Daniel Kolenda & Reinhard Bonnke and all the CFAN Team..For the grace of God that brings Salvation has appeared unto all men..

  • Theophile

    Praise Lord !

  • MOANANG Thomas d'Aquin

    Dear Man of GOD,

    We were blessed during and after your crusade in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. I heard your preach, and I thing all were best. Excuse me for my english, which is not good yet, but I’ll improve it, by the grace of Holy Spirit.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you again, anywhere in the world

    Thank you Man of GOD


  • Zachary L. Tabebot

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
    We give God the glory for having His evangelists here in Cameroon! Evg. Daniel Kolenda, God bless you! You really made yourself available for the Holy Spirit to use you, to manifest His power and glory. Amen

  • Baideokassou Pierre

    Bonjour évangéliste,mr daniel.votre campagne évangélisation au Cameroun m’a aidé au niveau de la santé,je vous charge personnellement de continuer pour moi et pour briser complètement la calebasse de démon qui veille sur les fidèles de Christ JESUS.
    Je vis au Yaoundé Camerou,et priez aussi pour mon épouse,depuis que nous cherchons un enfant mais en vin,j’aimerais que vous m’accompagnez avec votre puissante prière pour que en 2014 nous embrassons un enfant,Merci et bonne journée.
    C’est votre frère en christ Baideokassou Pierre


    I thank God cuz its like the crusade was organised for my sake.God called as a prophet and i was realy thinking how i’ll be mentoured and a bible shool has just been extablished in Yaounde.Also, when i went there,i said Lord let be tap from your servants grace and anointing and since then,i realy feel impacted.Thank you so much for comming to Cameroon.i hope to be like you someday

  • Ezeanikate.Chiebonam


  • ravikumar matcha

    please visit India

  • Wango Boris

    Jesus is Lord!!!

  • Wendy

    Hi Evangelist Daniel……..and athe team…..I am REJOICNG with you all and the many lives that were TOUCHED, HEALED and DELIVERED IN THE NAME OF JESUS……..Also, just a quik note…..I have read your book on LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE….what an excellent book ……so balanced with the word of God …….I will forever be changed and transformed into HIS IMAGE…..So, thankful for many of the truth’s and the principles that were shared ……..this would be a book placed perementaly in my library……many books were also given out as gifts to the local church……this came to be a great tool of strength, encouragement and the wisdom of god……blessings to you…………mrs. wendy marsh

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