In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Articles

Dear Mission Partners,


We’ve just concluded the third day of powerful meetings here in Lomé, Togo. It’s been remarkable so far. We are in the part of the world from which voodoo originates. There is a lot of witchcraft and animism here. Each night many people manifest demons and receive deliverance. Tonight, as usual, before I preached, we burned witchcraft paraphernalia, charms, fetishes, amulets and “juju.” But tonight, something happened that I’ve never seen before. By the time I finished preaching, both drums, which had just burned earlier were both filled again. So we burned both of them for a second time in the same night!

This morning the Fire Conference came to a close as Peter Vandenberg, John Darku and I ministered. Both in the morning and evening services we prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Both meetings were glorious. After preaching the Gospel and leading tens of thousands in the prayer of salvation tonight, I asked Jared Horton – one of the evangelists that has been working on the ground here for more than three weeks – to pray for the sick. We heard wonderful testimonies of supernatural healing.

  • A lady who was paralyzed for 8 months from her waist down could not walk, but had to drag herself on the ground. After the prayer for the sick she was completely healed and began walking as normal.
  • Two years ago a man’s left knee was damaged in an accident. After the prayer for the sick all the pain left his knee.
  • Two ladies who suffered with severe demonic oppression/possession were completely delivered after receiving prayer.

This is just a sampling of the many wonderful miracles taking place here in Lomé. Please continue to pray for us over the next 24 hours as the crusade here comes to a conclusion. The best is yet to come!


Yours in the Gospel,

Daniel Kolenda


Together with the whole CfaN team

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  • Rev. Vinod Rasaily

    No words… just give glory to almighty God.

  • Solly Masilo

    Sir, my wife and I are pastors and partners of CFAN. We would like to join some of your crusades . How do go about it?

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Hello Solly, Please call our office at (407)854-4400 or email to

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