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What an amazing day! The Fire Conference this morning was unlike any I have ever been to. The power of God just exploded and, out of the more than 28 thousand people present, it seemed that no one was untouched. It would be impossible for a picture to capture the dynamics of this meeting. As I looked around the room, everywhere something was happening. Groups of people were spontaneously falling out under the power. I could see the tops of chairs flying like dominoes as some “Holy Roller” took out a row. The people were crying out in a relentless fervor that rivals anything you can imagine. Suddenly Evangelist Bonnke began to prophecy. “The Holy Spirit spoke to me just now. A mighty revival here in India will start with the young people…” The youth began to rush the platform in an almost dangerous press desperately reaching out for prayer. The scene that unfolded was a holy chaos as the interpreter fell to the ground as though struck by lightning and the place came unglued. I really feel like this meeting will send shockwaves out through the entire nation and I feel that we have witnessed the beginning of a move of God that will sweep through all of India.

Below is some footage that I captured with my little digital camera and spliced together with some music. The intensity of praise that you see in this clip continued non-stop for nearly and hour. I was only able to capture a very small portion of it, but you will see that the Holy Spirit was truly at work.

Tonight the meeting was also glorious. I started out with a teaching on Divine Healing and then prayed for the sick. So many people reached out in faith and received a healing. After the worship Evangelist Bonnke introduced me and I preached again…this time it was the full Gospel message. As I got up to preach, the rain began to fall. The people pulled out their umbrellas and the service went on. We all got very wet, but no one melted and thousands of people responded to the invitation for salvation. After I led the crowd in the prayer of salvation, Evangelist Bonnke came back and proceeded to pray for the crowd to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit and then prayed a second time for healing. Again, powerful testimonies followed.
Tomorrow night is the last night of the Crusade. I am anticipating a dramatic conclusion to what has been an amazing week.

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  • Jayden

    Hey, excelent, this is good stuff, i enjoy it allot.Bye Bye

  • Russell

    Amazing video Dan! Hungry people for God!!!

  • appans

    Daniel, your preparatory talks before Bonnke’s wonderful messages were the most apt ones.I forsee a great ministry for you.The one of your family just before the blood talk was excellent.So also the one at the power conference.

  • Asheena

    The meeting was powerful.Thank u Daniel 4 comming to Kochi. I was one among the coir……… My name is Asheena Austin……

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