In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Articles

Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight the crowd more than doubled to 240,000. Have a look at the pictures. You will notice that the field is actually two hills with a huge ravine between them. Both sides were packed with people. Peter van den Berg walked all the way to the far side of the fields and told me that he had great difficulty getting back because of the density of the crowd. These are awesome dynamics.

When we left the hotel for the crusade tonight, the rain was pouring down. I must admit, I was getting concerned. But soon we made a wonderful discovery – the crusade field was completely dry. We were praising the Lord.

I preached about the blood of Jesus tonight. Many thousands responded to the Gospel and then we broke the curses and burned fetishes, amulets, idols & charms given to the people by witchdoctors. Then I prayed for the sick and so many miracles happened:

We heard the testimony of a man who has been paralyzed for the last 3 years because of a stroke and was healed. He was carried to the meeting last night, but when it was time to leave no one could find him. After the prayer for the sick, he had gotten up and walked five miles to his house. When his wife arrived home, she found him in bed already!

A young woman who was blind in her right eye for 12 years was healed along with a seven-year-old boy who was born deaf and dumb. It was so precious to hear him say “Mama” for the first time in his life tonight.

A man who could not walk without a stick was healed. After the prayer for the sick, he started running, not walking. Also a woman who was paralyzed on the left side for 10 years received full use of her left arm and leg tonight. Her daughter came with her to testify. She said that for the last 10 years, she has been bathing and dressing her mother because she was unable to do it herself. But tonight she was healed. They embraced and beamed with joy on the platform. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow is the final day of Fire Conference. Many top pastors and leaders of the Church in Ghana are attending. We will pray for them to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit. When these pastors are touched, they have the potential to touch thousands of others. Please continue to pray for us.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team







Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Rev. Dr. Baiden-Adams


  • Coni Rhudy

    I am continuing to pray So excited for what God is doing in these lives

  • Donkor Frederick

    I truly testify all these testimonies, God has truly delivered many people from spiritual bandage through His servants. God bless you for your spiritual impact on our life. Glory be unto His own mighty name, the most high God

  • Onyeka Joshua Anthony

    our God is not dead, we will be praying that God should rain down revival fire on the pastor bishops and on all leader to ensure that the church is fully in charge in ghana

  • Nehemiah Ayebo

    Pls I want to join your evangelistic ministry. Kindly show me how. Thank you.

  • Stella

    I luv Daniel Kolenda,his preaching is soo clear and relevant.He is also very humble….GOD BLESS the whole CFAN team for giving Kumasi a powerful crusade

  • Emmanuel Opoku-Mensah

    Was present at the crusade and like the chicken story. God bless you

  • rev Donna Nakagawa

    HI Brother Daniel: Have been keeping up with your crusades and they are so exciting to see what God is doing…the lives that are changed because of this ministry. I love you all so very much. If you should ever come close to Louisville or Lexington KY I will certainly be there. Please pray for me. I am in an abusive marriage. My husband is a Viet Nam veteran and he has PTSD and he gets angry and uses me to hit on. He is a minister and this sickness has caused him problems all his life. He does not get help. He could take medicine for it but refuses. The VA hospital has been seeing him in group sessions but he still has these issues. He really needs deliverance but doesn’t seem to want it. He hit me the other day and my left arm is bruised. I need to know what to do for I am afraid of him now, I don’t trust him, never know when he will get angry. I have severe back pain all the time, spinal stenosis, can’t do very much. I miss ministering, I need a miracle so much and trust that you all will pray for me.
    Your Sister in the Lord
    Rev. Donna Nakagawa

  • Gayle Chandler

    Daniel, It was my privilege to attend the Reinhard Bonnke meetings in Greensboro, NC. In our 45 years of pastoring I have never witnessed the prayer force like your team has. I am honored to be a part of your prayer team now and love the reports and pictures you send. It feels like I am there with you. I rejoice in all God is doing in and through you! Gayle Chandler

  • Carol Lyles

    Hallelujah! Jesus is Master and Savior. How good and powerful He is! The pictures are totally amazing. Thank God for the souls coming to Christ and the miracles of healing. I pray this final meeting of the crusade in Ghana is once again protected from rain and bad weather and that the glorious Gospel of Christ is proclaimed in ever increasing power. May the message keep going out through those who accept Him. God bless you and keep you and the CfaN team and your families. We love you thank God for HIS love!

  • lawrence Boadu

    what a miracle

  • Pastor Timothy O. Oyedele

    Thanks for all God has done. Great and better will be the End in Jesus mighty Name.

  • Steve Jacks

    Hi Daniel,
    Thanks for the update. Papa God is so Good.God is so Loving. God is so Mighty.
    Blessed be the Name of The Lord.
    Walking Together with Jesus and You.

  • Jim wampler

    God is confirming His wird with sighns and gifts of healing awesome!

  • carolyn smith

    Wow! ! I rejoice in the Lord Jesus for your work and the lives that are being saved and changed amen amen amen

  • Isaac

    It was a great night. The blood of Jesus truly cleansed,heals,protects and purchases us! I am redeemed. Praise the Lord.

  • Brenda Money

    Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Thank you Daniel and Rein hard! Just as I prayed that the Lord’s Son shine would cover the crusade God is so awesome! Continued blessings upon you and everyone who is working & volunteering for the crusade and for every person who hears the Gospel! Amen and amen! Brenda C $

  • Sarfo Gloria

    I need my healing(Hodgkin’s lymphoma)

  • Marlene Warner

    Halleluyah! What joy to hear these testimonies and see these beautiful people seeking a word and touch from God.Thank you our precious Lord for answering our prayers for dry ground! God bless you abundantly, Daniel and all your ministry team, for your untiring faithfulness to fulfill the call of God on your lives!

  • Lee Silber

    I have enema in both my legs pray Jesus heals me now!!! Pray Jesus heals me now from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet pray JESUS heals Taeler Hendrix from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet now as well!!! Pray Jesus helps me marry Taeler now in true love,God’s love immediately!!!!!!! Pray God makes Taeler’s being my being God now and when the rapture comes!!!!!!! Pray the rapture comes now!!!!!!! Pray GOD gives me new gold teeth in my upper,lower gums now too!!!!!!! Pray God gives me his wisdom always!!!!!!! Pray I give Taeler,CFAN billions of dollars from the minerals under my properties (60 acres in TX),trillions of dollars from city buildingdevelodevelopments on my properties-1m a month leasing or subleasing my properties to someone now!!!!!!! Pray JESUS smashes my enemies: past,present,future to hell now!!!!!!! Matt 18,Mk 9,Lk 17,18, Rm 12.Pray the Holy Spirit gives me his peace now and forever so I know it is done now!!!!!!! Reinhard,Daniel please help me with your attorneys now!!!!!!! I had horrible things happen to me Reinhard, Daniel,and our democracy demands I receive justice,billions of dollars immediately!!!!!!! Pray Taeler is free by God himself of:cocaine,drugs,alcohol,nnegative bad habits now!!!!!!!! Pray JESUS saves,heals, delivers,prospers,blesses, Taeler Hendrix, Barry,Mark Silber,Mike Cohen,Shirley Cooper,Buddy,Robert DeCastro now!!!!!!!

  • Gerry Atkins

    God is so good!!

  • Jecil Kay


  • junior malta

    Amen.. GOD can do everything in His power..GOD is sooooooooooo good..
    Please pray for me and my family financial breakthrough.

  • Edward

    This is very cool to see. I pray that your next night is even bigger.


    oh i am so shock for what almighty God have done in kumasi Ghana through this man Daniel Kolenda curses are broke and healing peoples from their evil sickness like .. blind and peoples who have not walk since they was born even a deaf and dump also are having their healing from the name called (JESUS) this is happen in kumasi here and i am 17 years old boy but i think this man Daniel Kolenda have make receive the almighty God as my pillar i am relaying on him .

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