In Articles, Crusade Photos

Greetings from Lokoja, Nigeria!  I wish you could have been there tonight for the opening service of our Great Gospel Campaign.  There is electricity in the air and great expectation for what God will do this week. 

On my way to the field, I saw a picture of a cloud descending on the huge crowd and I am sure that the glory of God is poised to invade this city in an extraordinary way.  I preached Christ crucified tonight and then we saw the power of the Gospel demonstrated.  Many thousands received salvation and many more were miraculously healed.  Have a look at the attached picture of a boy who had a huge, furiously swollen abscess on his leg for 5 years.  As I was praying he said he felt a “rushing wind” blow over him and the swelling miraculously disappeared! 

Please intercede for us throughout this week.  The work happening here is a matter of life and death for multitudes of people. We are co-laborers together with you and whether your calling is to pray, to pay or to preach, each one of us is a vital link in the chain of God’s purposes.  Thank you for your partnership.

More to come…

Together in the Harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the rest of the CfaN team

Pictures by O. Volyk

Please visit our website:

This young boy had an abscess on his leg for five years and tonight was totally healed! CfaN Gospel Campaign-Nigeria 2011

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  • Jimoh Sumaila

    I was in Great Lokoja Crusade and the power of GOD is moving in Kogi State and now salvation rest on the people of Lokoja. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preaching of the truth about Christ Inspired me and now I aspire to be an Evangelist too and this is the very fear I have from childhood. The fear of GOD’s voice. The fear of preaching the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. But in this crusade, I have a new understanding that I must leave everything I love,have,want and follow Christ and not even money, family, want,house,riches should stop me from serving GOD and preaching the good news. Evangelis Daniel Kolenda has help me to overcome the my greatest fear.

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