In Crusade Photos, Nigeria, Takum Nigeria

We have just returned from the final meeting of our final campaign of the season here in Takum, Nigeria and Jesus saved the best for last.

The attendance topped 185,000 tonight in this remote place!  Every external indicator has proven that God has done something remarkable here.  This morning the pastors testified that their churches were flooded with new converts. Each night our barrels were filled with witchcraft items to be burned.  The response to the Gospel preaching was huge. Thousands were filled with the Holy Spirit and we received many testimonies of miraculous healings included several remarkable ones tonight.

Among them were a man who was crippled for 5 years but now can walk, a young man who restored to his right mind after years of insanity and a young woman who had been dragging her crippled legs around since she was eight years old…now she can walk.  Also another large contingent of Fulani Muslim people received Jesus Christ tonight and has become true Christians.  Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow we begin the long voyage home.  Thank you so much for standing shoulder to shoulder with us in this historic harvest of souls; both prayerfully and financially.  We see ourselves as co-workers together with you and with Jesus for the sake of the harvest and the best is yet to come in Jesus name!

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  • Tomáš Matocha

    What a wonderful news to hear. Halelujah!

  • Ross

    Hallelujah, glory to God for the salvation of precious souls. I write from Italy. God bless you greatly and surely the glorious things that God has prepared for those who serve him must still be done, we remain faithful to the commission in Mark 16: 16 until the end. We will see great things, God is preparing the Land for the collection, there is enormous hunger for God throughout the world, the Lord is awakening souls I show his power, for the last collection. Amen

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