ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 25, 2022 — Christ for All Nations (CfaN) is thrilled to announce the dates and locations of the 2022 Impartation Breakfast Meetings. This series of strategic, in-person meetings will bring together partners and friends of the international ministry in an intimate setting and give them the chance to hear from and meet with CfaN President and Lead Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Events are confirmed for:
- Atlanta, GA – April 23rd
- Kansas City, MO – May 13th
- San Antonio, TX – June 11th
The dates for Impartation Breakfast Meetings in Charlotte, NC, Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX, Denver, CO, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, Naples, FL, Nashville, TN, New York, NY, Oklahoma City, OK, Orlando, FL, Portland, OR, Tampa, FL, Tulsa, OK, and West Palm Beach, FL are all forthcoming. Be sure to check out CfaNImpartation.org to register and learn when this incredible gathering will take place near you.
Over the past few years, CfaN has experienced an extraordinary acceleration in the impact of its core mission, which Founding Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke described as “plundering hell to populate heaven.” Sparked by innovative new outreach strategies and a focus on training and releasing like-minded evangelists into the global harvest field, this growth in the number of salvations is the culmination of years of prayer and support from thousands of CfaN supporters across the globe.
With that in mind, Evangelist Kolenda designed the Impartation Breakfast Meeting (IBM) as a time of ministry that will honor guests for their partnership in the Great Commission and empower them in their personal walk with the Lord. Evangelist Kolenda will attend each IBM in person to expand on his vision for CfaN and personally pray for every attendee, filled with faith, that they will receive a special impartation from Jesus. The gatherings will be limited seating. So, visit www.cfanimpartation.org to reserve your opportunity to connect with fellow believers and senior CfaN leadership.
SOURCE Christ for All Nations