In #AfricaShallBeSaved, #GospelCrusade, Crusade Photos, Decision Card Count, Ghana, Kumasi


Dear Mission Partners,

I’ve just received the report from Kumasi that 583,480 decision cards were registered during the crusade! We are rejoicing with Heaven over the many lives that were changed for eternity. Thank you for standing with us in this ongoing harvest of souls.

This being our last Gospel Crusade of the year, let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team

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  • pastor Rafiq khokhar

    I feel very very blessed after seen video of Eve Reinhardt Bonnie thank you for these blessings.

  • Vicki

    Praying for the entire Christ for all Nations Team that you will have a blessed Christmas and prosperous New Year. Thank s for all you do to build the kingdom here on earth through prayer, worship and the word of God.

  • Evangelist Michael Kumi Antwi

    Praise be to God. AMEN!

  • Evangelist Michael Kumi Antwi

    Praise be to God.

  • Jirkas

    Hi Daniel ,
    God bless you mightily , thank you for the great news of the crusade .
    In Jesus’ love

  • Manuel Rivera

    Dios siga bendiciendo y engrandeciendo su ministerio para la honra y gloria de Dios.

  • Sheeba

    Praise the Lord. How can we help this gospel work?

  • WardKofiAfriyie

    Thanks for the great chance God has given to us through CFAN.we hope to have another chance to worship with u again come next year.merry Christmas

  • Carol Lyles

    We rejoice over these many souls saved! God bless you, Daniel, and the entire CfaN team. A group of us pray every Tuesday evening, and tonight we rejoiced over this Holy Spirit blessed crusade in Ghana, and we lifted Reinard and all of you up for the preparation and meetings to be held in Houston next February — strength, protection, and a mighty anointing! We also prayed that North Carolina would fan the flames of the Greensboro crusade that was held in September and that we would see a great move of the Spirit throughout our state. Rick Joyner has just said that the Great Awakening has now begun! Please pray for us.

  • Steve Jacks

    PAPA GOD is so Awesome, That His heart is that None would perish. Thank you….

  • John Goodman

    I was my pleasure to support the ministry with prayers and praises. We will all celebrate in the Victory together with Jesus!

  • edward

    This is very cool.

  • Bernadeth Pandittesekera

    Hallelujah! Glory be to God. This is amazing news. Not a surprise, much more to come. Christ For All Nations. I mean it. Blessings from Brampton, Canada.

  • Jakenich Cobby Ewusi

    It was amazing Pastor. I was there the last day of de programmme.And i was blessed. God richly bless u Evan D Kolenda and de team.

  • Jan Hungerford

    Praise God for this awesome report! So many souls snashed away from the enemy! How we praise the Lord and His dedicated servants!

  • Eshun Saviour

    God is good……. it’s amazing and feels great to have such a wonderful ministers like u may God richly bless u, Ghana is blessed and will forever be a blessing country in Jesus name amen.

  • Gladis

    Haleluya !!!
    Best wishes to you and your family!

  • Samuel

    This marks the beginning, because the Bible said in Mark 16:17 KJV that
    “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;”
    The Mighty Hands of God will uphold you all in the team. As you spread the good news, your own salvation will not be lost to the Devil. I pray in Jesus name, amen.

  • amakis


  • Mangui Sengelmann

    Thank you for all the work you have done this year! I hope to see you all next time you visit Miami, Florida! May the LORD keep you, may HE make HIS FACE TO SHINE UPON YOU and BE GRACIOUS UNTO YOU! MAY GOD CONTINUE BLESSING YOU ALL! Until we see you again, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Glorious New Year!

  • Emmanuel Kobea

    God has answered our cries for a great harvest of Souls. I was at the Fire Conference and felt the Power of God. God bless you: Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Rev. Peter and the entire Team.
    Would like to Volunteer for this Ministry!
    Its all about Jesus!

  • Robert

    Amazing work Evangelist I’m blown away by what our Lord is doing in those countries. May The Lord do the same here in NZ and the South Pacific in Jesus Christ’s name

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