Christ for all Nations, the weekly television program hosted by Evangelists Daniel Kolenda, has found a home on Hillsong Channel, a newly launched television network formed as a partnership between TBN, the world’s leader in Christian broadcasting, and Hillsong Church, a leader in innovative Christian worship experience around the globe.

Contact: Lori Bell, 918-760-2039

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 29, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ — For over 40 years, Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry, Christ for all Nations (CfaN), has touched lives all over the world with over 75 million recorded decisions for Christ. Now, the legacy of CfaN continues through the ministry of Daniel Kolenda. As part of the CfaN’s vision to communicate the Gospel in the most effective way, the ministry is pleased to announce that the weekly television program, “Christ for all Nations,” hosted by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, is now airing on Hillsong Channel, Sundays at 5 p.m. (EST). Hillsong Channel is now available online and on the providers listed below:

  • AT&T UVERSE CH. 565
  • DISH CH. 258
  • DIRECTV CH. 371
  • ATN
  • U.S. CABLE
  • SKY UK CH. 597
  • ABS-2

In the program “Christ for all Nations,” viewers will encounter the transforming power of the gospel and experience the truth of Jesus as Daniela Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke preach, teach, and minister to masses. For mature believers, the show will challenge their commitment to share their faith. For those new to Christianity or still seeking answers, the program offers an opportunity to encounter the power of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In a world where media and technology are not only changing the way we communicate but also impacting our lifestyle and culture as a whole, there has never been a more urgent need to harness the power of mass media than today. According to Daniel Kolenda, President of CfaN, “Hillsong Channel maintains a commitment to the truth of the Word of God, and it’s commitment to bringing innovative worship experience into homes and prisons alike, as well as its global vision, makes it a natural choice to align with. I would like to see the Body of Christ embrace the channel and support its mission.”

To learn more about the Christ for all Nations ministry, visit, email, or call 407-854-4400