In Crusade Photos, Posted from Yaounde Cameroon

Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight our Gospel Crusade here in the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon began with a surge! 110,000 people attended the opening service – a striking indication that we are in for a dynamic week.

I’ve attached a link to little video we took with a mobile phone of the people repeating after me the text for tonight’s message, Romans 10:13, “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” ( You will hear how they shout it with such enthusiasm and fervor. What a joy it is to preach to these precious people. When the “altar call” was given, the response was overwhelming. A mighty harvest took place tonight.

Then, after praying for the sick, amazing miracles happened. So many cripples were healed that their crutches and wheel chairs cluttered the platform (have a look at the attached pictures). It was such a precious sight, a line of elderly “mamas” who had been healed all danced with me on the stage and gave glory to God. It was a Holy Ghost party!

Then the Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge about someone who was being healed of throat cancer. When the woman who the Lord told me about came forward we discovered that not only did she have painful throat cancer, but also her legs were paralyzed and she had lumps in her breasts as well! Jesus healed her from head to toe; throat, legs and breasts! What a mighty God we serve!

I really believe God is hearing and answering your prayers for us here. Thank you for praying. More to come tomorrow…

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team





Pictures by O. Volyk

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  • Franck

    My homeland ! Be ye encouraged in the good work 😉

  • Olayinka Akpan

    Thank God for these miracles, more to come in Jesus name.



  • Alice Whitehead

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful healing news, Christ for All Nations Team. I was at a Birmingham Conference and went up to the stage myself for prayer in 2011, I think it was. I am a 27 year old, British teacher working in Tanzania in the capital city called Dodoma. When are you coming here!?! You would be most welcome. There is a lot of need (as is there everywhere, of course!) I couldn’t help but notice the guy in the background from the ‘Father of Lights’ video which I have showed my students. I would love them all to meet you. Our school is called ‘Canon Andrea Mwaka School’ and we are an openly-Christian school who take students who are Muslim, Hindu and Sikh. Would be lovely to hear from you!!

  • Arsy

    l’éternel est merveilleux a lui soit la gloire d’éternité en éternité. Merci a vous Daniel et que le Seigneur notre Dieu puisse vous bénir amplement et vous permettre d’être son médiateur afin de sauver plusieurs d’autres vies. Et d’empêcher notre pays de bien de dépravations.



  • Prosper Atchombat

    Dear Daniel,

    Thank you for your powerfull message of yesterday, praying that God will use you mightily tonight an in the following days to impact our country for Christ! May God richly bless you!

    In Christ,

  • Jerome

    Praise the God of all the earth and keep on magnifying Him, for He is worthy of all praise, thanksgiving and our love.

  • Lorena Saylor

    God is so good, thank you Lord for your precious blood that pourd out all over your children tonight, continue to bring them form the north, east, south and west to be in your Holy presents. To save, heal, and break the chains of bondage. As this crusade continues pour down your Holy Fire. keep sending them so you my Father, my King, my everything will be Honored, Praised, and Glorified in Jesus Holy Name.

  • David Smith

    Thanks for asking us to be a part of this…by asking for pray

  • Danie Swarts

    All praise from all people from all times belongs to our awesome God ,!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wendy

    Praise God for HIS FAITHFULNESS………..AND I NOTICED EVANGELIST TODD WHITE had joined you… awesome………..Believing God for HIS HEALING POWER IN MY LIFE……I have extreme tiredness after doing some things that would be called normal…diabetes, respiratory and heart………………….am taking insulin four times a day an d a nighte time too……..please gree with me in FAITH that God will completely HEAL ME……..GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR MINISTRY……What a JOY to share in what he is doing in your midst…..Mrs. Wendy Marsh

  • Rajasekaran Jebaraj

    Glory to God. Amen

  • feliciano perez

    Glory of God…God healing people,that happen for the Power of God…God bless you.

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