In Crusade Photos, Posted from Agbani Nigeria

Another Christ for all Nations Great Gospel Campaign

Dear Mission Partners,

Another amazing week of Holy Spirit evangelism has just come to an end here in Agbani, Nigeria.  The meetings were attended by half a million people, many of whom received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  The people are overflowing with joy and gratitude.  One precious lady brought a gift and presented it to me on the platform tonight – a little sheep! (see the attached picture)  Now the challenge is trying to figure out how to fit it in my suitcase.

A local chief also came and brought with him a witchcraft shrine that had been in his family for several generations.  He broke it down, brought it to the crusade and we burned it, along with many other idols, fetishes, charms amulets and juju. (see attached picture)

After praying for the sick, I was taking testimonies when I noticed a man who was clearly not Nigerian standing in the testimony line.  He told me that he was a Hindu from India and is visiting Agbani on a work related trip.  He was NOT at the crusade, but was actually far away in a house when he heard me preaching the Gospel over the massive P.A. system.  He knelt down right there in his home and prayed with me to receive Jesus.  Not only was he saved, but he was also healed from a terrible infirmity that had troubled him for several months.  He came tonight to testify that Jesus Christ is now his Savior and healer! (see attached picture)

We say “goodbye” now to Agbani and to it’s precious people that we have come to love, knowing that one day we will meet again around the throne of God.  This is why we preach the Gospel.  One more soul in Heaven is one less soul in Hell.  Thank you for sending us here – for praying and supporting us financially.  We cannot do this without you.


Together in the Harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team


Pictures by O.Volyk

Hindu Man Saved at home!

Women gives an honorable gift!

Burning the idols in Jesus Name!

Breaking the curses!





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