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I wrote and recorded this song several years ago (yes, I used to be a worship minister:-) It’s set to powerful scenes from the Passion of the Christ. It will bless you in a special way today. Please share this with someone who needs to be reminded of the incredible price Jesus paid for them.Happy Good Friday everyone.


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  • Ali Spellacy

    Thank you so much for sharing this Daniel. It really did bless me in a special way. I’m speechless and in tears after watching and listening to it. Oh how he loves us!

  • Jirkas

    skvělé… Jan 3:16

  • Denise Poole

    God is the treasure of our heart ! He transforms our brokenness , and mends us throughHis mercy and grace. Once Mended we are stronger ! Thank you Daniel . Keep writing and singing anointed songs.! Praise The Lord ! Denuse

  • Denise Poole

    Dear Danielle , a anointed song. Broken. Especially ministered to me. I wrote a poem in 1997 It describes that Gid mends our brokenness with His mercy & Grace! It is the meaning if the broken china, that a transform into beautiful jewelry . Praise The Lord ! Denise Poole

  • Glenna

    Beautiful, gripping, heartbreaking… have an amazing gift from God!

  • Cynthia Martin

    Praise God for this video its just the highlights of The Passion Of The Christ and this video is the Main Points of the whole movie Thank You For Posting this It blessed me and encouraged me to do more for him and not to much less THANK U AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART AND HAPPY EASTER

  • Gail Kicknosway

    what a beautiful song! Touched my heart & soul.

  • Darrell Pinder

    Powerful song,

  • Nancy Phiri

    Powerful song and video that sums up what He went through just for us- that we might receive salvation, healing and deliverence. Because He lives we can face tomorrow. It’s a shame that some refuse the gift of salvation. Heaven is real, so is hell.

  • Tracy

    Can you add the words to the song somewhere or turn on closed caption?? I am hard of hearing and it sounds beautiful but i cannot understand the words without closed caption or text. Very moving video – made me cry – would love to also understand (hear) the words.

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Thats a good suggestion Tracy. Thank you.

  • Lola Rossi

    A beautiful and heart rendering song….
    Praise the Lord Jesus all the days of our lives.He is ever true and faithful to those who love him and believe in him. Thank you Lord for our blessings and forgive us our sins.

  • Patricia Nice

    You are so anointed, and favored of God. Beautiful song.

  • shirley Trichie

    Very moving, Brother Daniel….Thank you for sharing on this Good Friday.!! Do you ever sing at the crusades?? You might consider blessing the crowds…

  • Tina Shaw

    Thank you for this beautiful song. I am a miracle. I would not be here if not for Jesus. There are no words to express my gratitude for Him!

  • Alice Haruvisi

    When you were at African Dream in South Africa you prayed for me and my daughter first out of everyone… Today she is completely free from eczema and allergies. I’m so thankful for what Jesus did on the cross because it’s the reason we are able to be set free and have abundant life! Thank you for being a vessel to heal and bless in Jesus name!!

    • Daniel Kolenda

      This is a wonderful testimony Alice…very encouraging. All the glory to Jesus. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  • ginika

    Mel Gibsons film really hits home the sacrifice Jesus made for all. The song also resonates. It is a reminder of how evil mankind can be to one another and how violence can only be a temporary relief for the anger of oppression. I am reminded of the conflicts in Palestine and Israel of The Congo and The Sudan and Nigeria and Syria. The Ukraine and Russia. Everywhere women mop up the blood, annoint and bury the dead. Weep and bear more children. They must grow with a heart of peace and become wise with teachings of how to live respecting themselves and others and living by the laws of good. All denominations and religions must look at this together. Are not Yahweh, God, Allah, Chukwe……all one? I belive in One God and s/he does not condone, slavery, violence or oppression. As a woman I follow the teachings of Jesus and Mohammed who loved women who respected women.

    • thelma evans

      I would like to say the song was lovely, didn’t know you were such a gifted singer Daniel. Also I would like to say Jesus is the God of the Christians.Our God is three yet one as in the Father,the son and the Holy Spirit. And Jesus is the way to the Father. There is no other God, He said in His word He will not share His glory with another. All people have to do to find out about their religion is to go onto the internet to see what their foundation is and what their religion believes in. Because you cannot serve 2 gods. I hope this helps someone. Thank you Thelma Evans

  • Alena Hernandez

    OmGosh……. Such A Blessing, Beautiful, Beautiful Song! THANK YOU:) GOD BLESS!

  • cobie


  • george


  • jim kotsaftis

    awesome. and moments before His death He looks at the crowd and says, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Wow, where do you go from there. A real tearjerker

  • Patricia Baldwin Donald

    I am truly blessed on this Good Friday morning to have stumbled upon this inspiring sermon. May God bestow bountiful blessings to its deliverer!

  • debi

    Hey Daniel; thanks for this. I am in dire need of a financial miracle today so as not to have my utilities shut off as well as for gas & Easter food & also need another several thousand for house payments that are behid. A creative miracle in my teeth & healing for 10 infirmities & ailments. Thanks. Today is the last day I can go on w/o a touch….

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Praying for you today Debi

  • UrsulaAntionette Nundlall

    To YHWH be the Glory for Great is His Faithfulness and His Mercy Endures Forever. Life changing song!!!

  • carlo

    Love the song

  • Bridgett Braland

    meaningful. commissioned to move forward in great love.
    thank you.

    • Daniel Kolenda

      Thanks Bridgett.

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